body recomposition diet and...


New member
Hi guys i'm trying to organize 10 weeks more or less of feeding for a body recomposition, it would take a personal trainer to tell me what to eat and how much to eat every day, but right now i'm not working and i can't afford to pay a professional so i I have to arrange by myself .. I wanted to know if any of you can help me in this maybe if you know a link where I can find a nice card ready to follow, maybe there is an old post where everything is ready both what to eat and the training to follow, if someone can direct me or link something useful I would be really grateful
Hi guys i'm trying to organize 10 weeks more or less of feeding for a body recomposition, it would take a personal trainer to tell me what to eat and how much to eat every day, but right now i'm not working and i can't afford to pay a professional so i I have to arrange by myself .. I wanted to know if any of you can help me in this maybe if you know a link where I can find a nice card ready to follow, maybe there is an old post where everything is ready both what to eat and the training to follow, if someone can direct me or link something useful I would be really grateful

Following a meal plan that someone else wrote up for you always seemed silly and kind of lazy to me. I would suggest that you simply learn how to track your macronutrients (Protein, Fat and Carbohydrates). Get my fitness pal, a scale that measures grams/ounces and start tracking what you eat.

Set up a budget for your macronutrients. You can read through the forums and you will get lots of guidance on this. One simple approache that works pretty well is:

40% Protein / 40% Carbs / 20% Fat

Figure who how many calories you can have daily to be in a caloric deficit of about 500kcal. Then set your macros based on the total calories and ratios.

1g Protein = 4 kcal
1g Fat = 9 kcal
1g Carb = 4 kcal

As an example if you set your total caloric budget to 2000 kcal per day. Then you get 40% of your calories from protein which is 800 kcal. 800÷4=200 grams protein daily. That would mean you also get 800kcal/200 grams of carbohydrates. That leaves 400 calories from Fat which is 44 grams. So your daily macro budget is 200g P / 200g C / and 44g F. At a caloric deficit of 500kcal per day you would lose about 1 pound per week.

The key is weighing and measuring everything you eat. You can eat whatever you want. Just make sure you stay within your budget. You will learn pretty quick what foods to eat and what to avoid so you don't blow your budget. For example that slice of pizza may be fine withing your budget for calories but it will use up your entire budget for grams of fat. You will have to decide if you can get through rest of the day without eating any more fat.

Last thing I will add is when choosing protein, try to go with meats, seafood and dairy as they have the complete amino acid chain. Protein from vegetables does not.
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There's tons of free vids on you tube. Paul Revella, Greg Doucette and Athlean X are good source of info on diet And nutrition. And the scale as mention above to weigh your food is critical for getting it right. Somethin I wish I did years ago.
Following a meal plan that someone else wrote up for you always seemed silly and kind of lazy to me. I would suggest that you simply learn how to track your macronutrients (Protein, Fat and Carbohydrates). Get my fitness pal, a scale that measures grams/ounces and start tracking what you eat.

Set up a budget for your macronutrients. You can read through the forums and you will get lots of guidance on this. One simple approache that works pretty well is:

40% Protein / 40% Carbs / 20% Fat

Figure who how many calories you can have daily to be in a caloric deficit of about 500kcal. Then set your macros based on the total calories and ratios.

1g Protein = 4 kcal
1g Fat = 9 kcal
1g Carb = 4 kcal

As an example if you set your total caloric budget to 2000 kcal per day. Then you get 40% of your calories from protein which is 800 kcal. 800÷4=200 grams protein daily. That would mean you also get 800kcal/200 grams of carbohydrates. That leaves 400 calories from Fat which is 44 grams. So your daily macro budget is 200g P / 200g C / and 44g F. At a caloric deficit of 500kcal per day you would lose about 1 pound per week.

The key is weighing and measuring everything you eat. You can eat whatever you want. Just make sure you stay within your budget. You will learn pretty quick what foods to eat and what to avoid so you don't blow your budget. For example that slice of pizza may be fine withing your budget for calories but it will use up your entire budget for grams of fat. You will have to decide if you can get through rest of the day without eating any more fat.

Last thing I will add is when choosing protein, try to go with meats, seafood and dairy as they have the complete amino acid chain. Protein from vegetables does not.

thank you so much for the time you are taking for me I appreciate it very much, I would just like to understand one thing, if I start the first week with 2000kcal, how can I get the deficit by removing 500kcal, for example Monday 2000, Tuesday 1500, Wednesday 1000? can you give me a practical example? because I think I have not quite understood how to have a deficit of 500kcal per day
thank you so much for the time you are taking for me I appreciate it very much, I would just like to understand one thing, if I start the first week with 2000kcal, how can I get the deficit by removing 500kcal, for example Monday 2000, Tuesday 1500, Wednesday 1000? can you give me a practical example? because I think I have not quite understood how to have a deficit of 500kcal per day

You need to start by determining how many calories you burn in an average day. This is based on your weight, body fat %, activity level, etc. There are some calculators out there that will help you determine this that google can help you find. Wearing a fitbit for a week may give you a feel too. Or just tracking how many calories you consume daily on average and seeing if your weight goes up or down. Give one of the calculators a try and you will get close.

Once you have that daily calories number, subtract 500 from it and that is your new target. It takes about 3500 calories to gain/lose one pound. So 500× 7=3500 per week.

Over time, you can adjust your target calories.
Do a search for " maintenance calorie calculator" try a few diff ones and get an average caloriesto start with. You probably will need to eat at that level for 2-3 weeks to see if it truly is your maintainence level. If you lose weight it's too low, if you gain Too high. Then adjust your calories from there.