I ordered from them and never received anything
I tried emailing them and no reply
i tried phoning them and they were not helpful

I am from the UK though

I use and it took 3 days for me to receive some stuff from the US!
Yeah I've always had good expieriences with, but shop around for better prices, but can't beat their shipping
When they have specials their prices beat anybody, but generally their prices are not always the lowest. I trust that they will ship to me fast and customer service is good, I will pay a bit more for that.
i only order from and am always plzd with thier srevice and prices they have a huge store to choice from and its easy to find what u want. a great site in my opinion.
I love and netrition, I have to say though that bb has better customer service and is a lot more eager to please. An order they sent me got smashes in transit, there was whey all over the order and it just was nasty, they paid for shipping of the order back and had replacement items for the order before I could even ship out the whey covered one!!!! They are tops in my book!!!
Side note!!!! Proteinfactory is awesome, and they are also eager to work with customers either through phone conversation or online via AIM. Its nice to be able to get first rate quality service, especially with the money that all our stuff consumes!!!