bodywieght/protien intake ?


New member
here is the question .I wiegh 320lb i amright under 20%bf prolly closer to 18 or 19 i have dieting really strict these past few weeks with very intense training eating upwards of 7 to 8 meals a day mainly prtien low carb.That being said i wiegh 320 i have some where in the nieghborhood of 260 to 265 lean muscle ,so would my protien intake be based of the lean mass or my total bodywieght?
lean mass

The bigger you are the harder it gets to get that 1.5-2 grams of protein per pound ...thats why i hate those little bastards growing like crazy with a little effort :p
lean mass

The bigger you are the harder it gets to get that 1.5-2 grams of protein per pound ...thats why i hate those little bastards growing like crazy with a little effort :p

you got that shit right,im 6'5 275 and i havet to make myself eat,and its hard as hell to do,nearly impossible,and i wanna be up close to 290:beertoast
Total body weight so you're looking at 480-640 g protien a day... Holy hell!

yup....and my appetite isnt that good,i wish i could find something that would help my appetite....i take Wellbutrin XR and Lexapro and the Wellbutrin kills my appetite,but i havt to take it.........but i give it my best shot to eat as much protein as possible,usually 15 cans of albacore white tuna/week,i love it,alot of lean beef,some chicken and i hate chicken lol,i take some protein shakes,eat alot of egg whites etc,but its still hard:Puke: