Bovine serum?

I don't see the use for it unless you are deriving drugs from it. Plus most serum producers say they can't guarantee that the serum is free of all viruses and bacteria. Not good.
here is some info on it
Bovine Serum

by Alex Rogers

One of the main concerns of bodybuilders that use supplements is the ability for that supplement to be digested and absorbed in the most beneficial way. The bodybuilder can manipulate his or her proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, to enhance digestion of certain supplements hence making them more effective. On the other hand, supplement companies have also gone on to make claims that they have enhanced their specific supplement to increase absorption thus making their product more effective than the others with the same base. This article will discuss one supplement that has never really been able to make any advancements in absorption and digestion, one supplement that the "BIG BOYS" of the supplement industry has never focused on. This supplement is whey protein, and the Protein Factory is going to offer you a new product that is now a MUST USE in your supplement arsenal. This supplement deals with the body’s ability to digest and absorb more free-form amino acids and peptides thus putting the body into a positive nitrogen balance, thus triggering natural muscle growth.

Protein digestion is a complex process. It involves actions by the stomach then most importantly the small intestine. The small intestine are where certain enzymes that turn the protein into free-form amino acids and di and tri-peptides, thus getting them ready to be absorbed. Free-form amino acids and hydrolyzed peptides are the only two forms of amino’s that get absorbed. The quality of a whole food protein a person eats plays a major role in how efficient the digestion and absorption of that whole food protein is.

The quality of a food is measured by a few different techniques. If you’re an experienced bodybuilder you will recognize these right away. These techniques are biological value, (BV),Protein Efficiency Ration (PER) and Protein digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS). These techniques are all based on whole food proteins ability to support growth and survival. Which technique is the most important one related to muscle growth? Neither of them, what is important is which protein rate at the top of each technique. And once again, if you’re an experienced bodybuilder you will know that proteins such as whey, egg, and soy rate at the top. These proteins have the best absorption rate and highest quality amino acid profile, thus the BEST for protein supplementation. The Protein Factory recommends a variety of protein sources because each individual protein possess certain qualities that are unique to themselves. But even though whole food protein powders such as whey, soy, and egg rate high on the quality scales (BV, PER, and PDCAAS) protein loss still occurs.

Loss of protein (nitrogen (N)) occurs mostly through urine, then feces, sweat, saliva, menstruation, and seminal ejaculation. The total loss in grams is throughout the day is about 30 grams if you weigh about 180lbs. Everybody has a different rate of protein digestion, absorption and excretion. Some people can digest and absorb certain protein better than others. For example, growing babies have less nitrogen loss than grown males. Special protein sub-fractions (Immunoglobulin) in breast milk increase protein absorption needed for a babies rapid growth rate. A baby when first born can gain grow 1 pound a week. Don’t sound like much! Consider a newborn baby only weighs an average of 7lbs, that means he increases his bodyweight by 14%. Now compare that to a steroid taking bodybuilder who gains 1 pound a week. That’s only .005%. Keep in mind the protein sub-fraction I have mentioned above (Immunoglobulin) Bodybuilders goals are to find ways to increase protein absorption and digestion and decrease protein (N) loss, hence bringing more amino acids, and nutrients into the bloodstream and putting themselves in a condition for muscle growth.

Increasing protein absorption will bring direct results in muscle growth than the supplements that have been made to increase protein synthesis via alternate conditions, such as creatine and pro-hormones. Creatine increases cellular hydration and pro-hormone increase natural testosterone levels. Thus muscle growth can occur due to these conditions. One must remember that the bottom line for muscle growth is protein synthesis. Muscle growth only occurs when protein synthesis is increased. Creatine and pro-hormones are ways to increase protein synthesis, (increase in endurance (creatine) and increase in natural testosterone levels (pro-hormones). But without amino acids to fuel muscle, growth can be hampered. Thus the supplement companies have come up with ways to increase protein synthesis via other factors and conditions, but not any ways to directly increase the amount of amino acids moving into the blood stream.

Increasing amino acid absorption on the other hand is very complex and difficult to understand. That is why I believe the supplement companies have not come up with a better digesting protein supplement. One exception, from reading the Protein Factory website is hydrolyzed whey protein and free-from amino acids. These two products are better absorbed than regular proteins such as whey, soy, and egg. But bodybuilders are apt to use them because. 1)Hydrolyzed whey protein proteins are very difficult to find. The only company that I know that sells "REAL" hydrolyzed whey protein is the Protein Factory. 2)High quality hydrolyzed proteins tastes awful! 3)Free-Form amino acids are expensive and finding them in powdered form is difficult. But, due to a recent supplement breakthrough a new product will help improve gut functions, directly effecting the amino acid influx into the bloodstream, bringing one body into a positive nitrogen balance and increasing lean muscle mass.

This supplement is officially called Bovine Serum Concentrate. (BSC) The company that manufacturers this supplement holds a patent on it. So when you see companies start stealing the term and switching it around like Serum protein, Bovine sub-fractions don’t be fooled. It must state on the label, "Bovine Serum Concentrate".

Bovine Serum Concentrate is an "immunoglobulin-rich protein ideal for use as an ingredient in intestinal nutrition and health products" (REF). And the biggest surprise of all is that it is NOT a whey protein. It is derived from beef plasma. Here is a list of benefits from this supplement, which some I will explain in detail. Keep in mind this research has been conducted for over 18 years.

Bioactive hormone, growth factors and cytokines promote cell growth (in vitro)
Activation of immune system thereby preventing protein and energy loss.
Immunoglobulins reduces the risk of contracting virus and other germs, such as colds and flus. By doing this your body retains protein and energy it needs to fuel muscle growth and sustain energy.
Aids in maintaining a healthy gut, facilitating digestion, absorption, and utilization of nutrients.
Immunoglobulins improve the process of the small intestine thus helping amino acids and other nutrients to become absorbed.
Increases retained nitrogen, promotes weight gain.
Studies conducted with the use of immunoglobulin found less nitrogen in the urine and feces. Thus they found more nitrogen in the muscle, which meant an increase in muscle mass.
Increases retained fat/energy.
Reduced protein and amino acid catabolism, improves protein retention.
Increases fat-free body mass.
Includes protein such as immunoglobulin G, albumin, alpha-2-macroglobulin, and transferrin.
Significant concentrations of peptides such as insulin-like growth-I, fibroblast growth factor, and transforming growth factor-beta.
This (Number 12) is one of the most important aspects of the new supplement, and probably why gains in muscle mass occur. Bovine Serum concentrate contains high levels of IGF-1. "The IGF peptides are bound tightly to plasma proteins (IGFBP’s) (REF) Unlike normal whey protein such as Cross-Flow Microfiltration and ion-exchange which contain very low levels of these growth factors, bovine serum concentrate contains much higher levels. IGF-1 is believed to mediate most anabolic activity in the body along with growth hormone. Now don’t get too excited about the level of IGF-1. Because most research has shown that even with pharmaceutical levels of IGF-1 doesn’t produce that much of an effect. A pharmaceutical level of growth hormone plus IGF-1 has been proven to work better than both alone. But, in another interesting study, IGF-1 taken with adequate amounts of amino acids increased protein synthesis.

Bovine Serum concentrate is a powdered sprayed-dried protein subfraction isolated from edible bovine plasma. It is then concentrated to form a high level of immunoglobin G. The immunoglobulin is the key ingredient. Studies that were conducted using immunoglobulin found that this protein sub-fraction sustains the benefits listed above. I can bore you with all the studies, but I wont. The truth is that immunoglobulin is now being used on AIDS, cancer, and malnourished children to aid in protein digestion. The manufacturer of BSC also has stated that it might be sold as a prescription drug in the next few years to come.


An amount of 1 gram taken with meals of BSC powder is recommend by the manufacturer. No side effects have been reported even at a dosage of 20,000 grams per day. The Powder is to be taken with meals. The Protein Factory will be offering this product by itself or to be blended in with a normal protein powder.

The Protein Factory recommends at percentage of 5% for protein only powders This is based on the a 30 grams serving size of powder. For meal replacement powders the Protein Factory recommends a 2% usage of BSC.


Regular commercial whey protein that is popular with bodybuilders today contains a very little amount of immunoglobin, if any at all. Whey protein concentrate, contain next to none, but supplement companies will list them anyway just to fancy their marketing hype. It looks something like this.

"Our protein contains significant concentrates of powerful GMP’s, and sub-fractions Lactabumin and Lactoferrin." It is a scam. Major supplement companies don’t have a clue to what these sub-fractions do, let alone how much is actually in their product.

Below is new information about NEW Bovine Serum! November 5th, 11:10 AM 1999.

A New interview with one of the technical researchers of the makers of Bovine Serum.
Protein Factory: How much more nitrogen is retained per g Bovine Serum consumed?
Answer: We found in the animal model (mouse) that .05 g nitrogen will be retained per g of plasma protein intake. This would equate to about .3g increase in body protein and 1.0 g of FFM (Fat free Mass) per g of plasma protein intake. This data is in close agreement with the work in pigs. Although we did not measure N composition at the start of the experiment, the data between the two experiments is in agreement.

Protein Factory: How much weight gain (Fat-Free MASS) is estimated per g of Bovine Serum consumed?
Answer: We estimate an increase of 1 g of FFM per g of Bovine Serum consumed.

Protein Factory: How long does a person have to consume Bovine Serum before realizing effects?
Answer: In animal studies changes in FFM occur within a week of "treatment".. I have notice an improvement within 2 days of consuming the product.

Protein Factory: Will Bovine Serum more so enhance the endurance trainer or the "sprint trainer" (in terms of energy)?
Answer: The endurance athlete has a higher protein requirement (per kg bodyweight) so will likely benefit more than the "sprint trainer". Of course, a slight change in FFM and performance of a sprinter means more to them than a slight change for an endurance athlete because of the length of the events.

Thanks for the questions. I hope this information is helpful.

Protein Factory: Thanks, I'm sure they will be!!

Protein Factory comments.
Now I know what everyone is thinking, "If I consume a pound of Bovine Serum a day does that mean I'll gain a pound of FFM a day!!! Probably not, but we are going to continue this interview with the next couple of weeks.

Our new supplement is here. Enjoy the article


One of the main concerns of bodybuilders that use supplements is the ability for that supplement to be digested and absorbed in the most beneficial way. The bodybuilder can manipulate his or her proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, to enhance digestion of certain supplements hence making them more effective. On the other hand, supplement companies have also gone on to make claims that they have enhanced their specific supplement to increase absorption thus making their product more effective than the others with the same base. This article will discuss one supplement that has never really been able to make any advancements in absorption and digestion, one supplement that the "BIG BOYS" of the supplement industry has never focused on. This supplement is whey protein, and the Protein Factory is going to offer you a new product that is now a MUST USE in your supplement arsenal. This supplement deals with the body’s ability to digest and absorb more free-form amino acids and peptides thus putting the body into a positive nitrogen balance, thus triggering natural muscle growth.
Protein digestion is a complex process. It involves actions by the stomach then most importantly the small intestine. The small intestine are where certain enzymes that turn the protein into free-form amino acids and di and tri-peptides, thus getting them ready to be absorbed. Free-form amino acids and hydrolyzed peptides are the only two forms of amino’s that get absorbed. The quality of a whole food protein a person eats plays a major role in how efficient the digestion and absorption of that whole food protein is.
The quality of a food is measured by a few different techniques. If you’re an experienced bodybuilder you will recognize these right away. These techniques are biological value, (BV), Protein Efficiency Ration (PER) and Protein digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS). These techniques are all based on whole food proteins ability to support growth and survival. Which technique is the most important one related to muscle growth? Neither of them, what is important is which protein rate at the top of each technique. And once again, if you’re an experienced bodybuilder you will know that proteins such as whey, egg, and soy rate at the top. These proteins have the best absorption rate and highest quality amino acid profile, thus the BEST for protein supplementation. The Protein Factory recommends a variety of protein sources because each individual protein possess certain qualities that are unique to themselves. But even though whole food protein powders such as whey, soy, and egg rate high on the quality scales (BV, PER, and PDCAAS) protein loss still occurs.
Loss of protein (nitrogen (N)) occurs mostly through urine, then feces, sweat, saliva, menstruation, and seminal ejaculation. The total loss in grams is throughout the day is about 30 grams if you weigh about 180lbs. Everybody has a different rate of protein digestion, absorption and excretion. Some people can digest and absorb certain protein better than others. For example, growing babies have less nitrogen loss than grown males. Special protein sub-fractions (Immunoglobulin) in breast milk increase protein absorption needed for a babies rapid growth rate. A baby when first born can gain grow 1 pound a week. Don’t sound like much! Consider a newborn baby only weighs an average of 7lbs, that means he increases his bodyweight by 14%. Now compare that to a steroid taking bodybuilder who gains 1 pound a week. That’s only .005%. Keep in mind the protein sub-fraction I have mentioned above (Immunoglobulin) Bodybuilders goals are to find ways to increase protein absorption and digestion and decrease protein (N) loss, hence bringing more amino acids, and nutrients into the bloodstream and putting themselves in a condition for muscle growth.
Increasing protein absorption will bring direct results in muscle growth than the supplements that have been made to increase protein synthesis via alternate conditions, such as creatine and pro-hormones. Creatine increases cellular hydration and pro-hormone increase natural testosterone levels. Thus muscle growth can occur due to these conditions. One must remember that the bottom line for muscle growth is protein synthesis. Muscle growth only occurs when protein synthesis is increased. Creatine and pro-hormones are ways to increase protein synthesis, (increase in endurance (creatine) and increase in natural testosterone levels (pro-hormones). But without amino acids to fuel muscle, growth can be hampered. Thus the supplement companies have come up with ways to increase protein synthesis via other factors and conditions, but not any ways to directly increase the amount of amino acids moving into the blood stream.
Increasing amino acid absorption on the other hand is very complex and difficult to understand. That is why I believe the supplement companies have not come up with a better digesting protein supplement. One exception, from reading the Protein Factory website is hydrolyzed whey protein and free-from amino acids. These two products are better absorbed than regular proteins such as whey, soy, and egg. But bodybuilders are apt to use them because. 1)Hydrolyzed whey protein proteins are very difficult to find. The only company that I know that sells "REAL" hydrolyzed whey protein is the Protein Factory. 2) High quality hydrolyzed proteins tastes awful! 3)Free-Form amino acids are expensive and finding them in powdered form is difficult. But, due to a recent supplement breakthrough a new product will help improve gut functions, directly effecting the amino acid influx into the bloodstream, bringing one body into a positive nitrogen balance and increasing lean muscle mass.
This supplement is officially called Bovine Serum Concentrate. (BSC) The company that manufacturers this supplement holds a patent on it. So when you see companies start stealing the term and switching it around like Serum protein, Bovine sub-fractions don’t be fooled. It must state on the label, "Bovine Serum Concentrate".
Bovine Serum Concentrate is an "immunoglobulin-rich protein ideal for use as an ingredient in intestinal nutrition and health products" (REF). And the biggest surprise of all is that it is NOT a whey protein. It is derived from beef plasma. Here is a list of benefits from this supplement, which some I will explain in detail. Keep in mind this research has been conducted for over 18 years.
Aboot said:
I don't see the use for it unless you are deriving drugs from it. Plus most serum producers say they can't guarantee that the serum is free of all viruses and bacteria. Not good.

I agree.The threat of disease would be enough for me to not use it.