Brewers Yeast


New member
When I was a kid my mom always told me to take Brewers Yeast . I never really thought of it since.I Saw it on the shelf in the organic section and I took home a 16 oz can. I purley bought it for its vitamin content but I was happily surprised to see that it has protein too!
So two tbl of this stuff (powder form) gives you 116 Cal / 16g Pro / 0 fat/ 13 g Carb.
its loaded with Potassium @ 600 mg/serving. Its also got a pretty good amino acid profile.

This perticular brand is from Lewis Labs. Its Gluten free, Non-GMO.
They claim it tastes good......well I dont know about that. Its not terrrible tasting , its just kinda odd I guess. But dont be a pussy just mix it up in your shake or smoothie and drink it!!