Bridging Ostarine into Epistane cycle


New member
I know the general rule of thumb for cycle+pct=time off, but Just wanna get peoples thoughts on this, being that Ostarine (supposedly) really doesnt need a proper pct, and Epi has Aromatase inhibitor (AI) properties. Would something like this be beneficial?
TDH, how about running a cycle of Osta, then go into a Epi cycle? Or would you recommend a OTC pct for 30 days before the Epi?
Absolutely. Use it in your post cycle therapy (pct) stack to help hold on to gains. I think 12.5 mg per day would treat you right.

So dont do the normal 25mg a day, keep it at 12.5. The only reason I ask is a bought the new Osta Rx which is 20mg Osta for one serving (three tabs). If one was to run this as part of post cycle therapy (pct), what would be best to run it at, gotta fig its roughtly 7 per cap, so maybe at 14. What do you think?

Im like 5 weeks into an osta cycle. Thinking about running another week,or go into epistane. Just looking at my options
Im like 5 weeks into an osta cycle. Thinking about running another week,or go into epistane. Just looking at my options

how long are you planning on running osta? are you running it solo? and what dosage have you been running it at? give me this info and i'll tell you exactly how to run it...
Yes solo. I started at at 20mg. Right now Im at 12-15
Was gonna run another week.

on a 6-8 week run you need a mini pct... 3 weeks... unleashed, forged post and bridge would be sufficient... then you can run another run or go into your epi cycle...
I have some unleashed,a tub of daa,and a bottle of Triazole. Will that suffice? Gotta say, I feel great,and Libido up,and no sides. Very satisfied with my first osta cycle, and plan on running another during my epi pct
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I have some unleashed,a tub of daa,and a bottle of Triazole. Will that suffice? Gotta say, I feel great,and Libido up,and no sides. Very satisfied with my first osta cycle, and plan on running another during my epi pct

that will work bro... i highly recommend running bridge with it though... i think you will be very pleased with the results... sarms are great if they are ran properly and it sounds like you ran it just right... great work...
Cool dude, thx for the input, will check it out! To be honest, wish I can stay on the osta...the stuff did me real good. I mean I didnt see mindblowing results,nor was I expecting them, but my muscles looked noticablly bigger/fuller, and leaned out nicely with just a maintaining diet. The weird part is, that my weight actually went up 2-4 lbs.
Cool dude, thx for the input, will check it out! To be honest, wish I can stay on the osta...the stuff did me real good. I mean I didnt see mindblowing results,nor was I expecting them, but my muscles looked noticablly bigger/fuller, and leaned out nicely with just a maintaining diet. The weird part is, that my weight actually went up 2-4 lbs.

thats why sarms are so perfect as a bridge... you should try to stack it with s4 next time...
thats why sarms are so perfect as a bridge... you should try to stack it with s4 next time...

Doesn't s4 mess with your vision? I heard too many stories about it. Ill pass on that.

its a possibility dependent upon your dosing... i just ran it 8 weeks with no issue whatsoever... everyone reacts differently and its not a permanent thing... its up to you but its an awesome stack... i kept a log on it... either way, osta is great as well...
its a possibility dependent upon your dosing... i just ran it 8 weeks with no issue whatsoever... everyone reacts differently and its not a permanent thing... its up to you but its an awesome stack... i kept a log on it... either way, osta is great as well...

True...everybody is different. Besides,sometimes you have to take peoples reviews with a grain of salt..
Im like 5 weeks into an osta cycle. Thinking about running another week,or go into epistane. Just looking at my options

bridge into epi. it will keep strength up and allow great muscle building. you really need to bridge them well so everything stays where its at.
Would it be a waste or should say wize/beneficial to pulse say 10mg of beastdrol eod for like 2 weeks and bridge into the epi cycle?With dermacrine ed through the whole thing? Plan on running the epi for 4-5 wks
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