British Dragon Tabs


New member
I've taken the anabol 5mg plenty of times. I was wonder if anyone has taken any of the newer 10mgs or any other of there newer tabs.

Methanabol 10mg (Dbol)
Oxanabol 10mg (Anavar)
Oxydrol 100mg (Drol)
Stanabol 10mg (Winstrol)

Just looking to see if anyone that tried think they are dosed properly
have taken the 10mg d-bol in my last cycle. worked just aswell as the 5mg and more convenient.

came as blue hearts. u got the same thing?
blue 10mg tabs are probably Danabol DS not Methanabol 10mg.

blue 10mg tabs are probably Danabol DS not Methanabol 10mg.

the new square BD tabs have gotten excellent reviews from all those I know who've tried them.

Micro said:
I've taken the anabol 5mg plenty of times. I was wonder if anyone has taken any of the newer 10mgs or any other of there newer tabs.

Methanabol 10mg (Dbol)
Oxanabol 10mg (Anavar)
Oxydrol 100mg (Drol)
Stanabol 10mg (Winstrol)

Just looking to see if anyone that tried think they are dosed properly
I've taken all but Anavar.

How does anabol/methanobol compare to the legal d-bol alternative? Are the strength/mass effects the same? Illegal Dianabol does have side effects, but I needed to know if it is the most potent kind of dianabol out there. Secondly, where can I be able to purchase anabol dianabol product site??
james01 said:
How does anabol/methanobol compare to the legal d-bol alternative? Are the strength/mass effects the same? Illegal Dianabol does have side effects, but I needed to know if it is the most potent kind of dianabol out there. Secondly, where can I be able to purchase anabol dianabol product site??

The legal D-bol is bullshit, it's not the same thing at all, they just named it "D-bol" to fool people into thinking it will do something

And you're not allowed to ask where to get steroids on this board

Sure legal d-bol may not be even half as potent as real dianabol...but i thought the legal versions all had differrent amounts of 4-androstenediols in them, making them reliable mass/strength building supplements. Some andros I believe weren't consdiered illegal, and i guess they used them into making new d-bol alternatives. But u sure the alternatives are garbage? rather than just take anabol with an anti-estrogen.
Micro said:
I've taken the anabol 5mg plenty of times. I was wonder if anyone has taken any of the newer 10mgs or any other of there newer tabs.

Methanabol 10mg (Dbol)
Oxanabol 10mg (Anavar)
Oxydrol 100mg (Drol)
Stanabol 10mg (Winstrol)

Just looking to see if anyone that tried think they are dosed properly

i just got some BD Winstrol (winny) 10 mgs(100 tabs)
they`r good
BD methanabol is a very gooooood stuff, but now isnt available, probably BD have same trouble, also apper some fake's of this stuff - in Poland
do you guys prefer brittish dragon over brittish dispensary.
i love the pink thais.
is brittish dragon more powerful than pink thais?
i have just orded brititsh dragon 10mg tabs pink dianabol but every one hear says they should be yelow but on british dragon website they r pink
miczelx said:
BD methanabol is a very gooooood stuff, but now isnt available, probably BD have same trouble, also apper some fake's of this stuff - in Poland

It is available for me :).