Building Mass With Malicious Intent


New member
Winter Cycle v2.0

Dosing Protocol (daily)
Malicious Mass x2, Epi-Strong x1
(Epi-Strong 35mg, Max LMG 50mg)
All 3 caps will be taken evenly spaced throughout the day. Each prohormone cap is packaged with 4 other caps (carnitine500, NAC600, taurine500, zinc picolinate). I purchased some small zip lock bags and premade all of the packs. Very nice.

This cycle will be about 5-6weeks. I already have my post cycle therapy (pct) lined up but I'll save that info for after the cycle is finished.

Malicious Mass and Epi-Strong make you feel absolutely amazing, like u r on the top of the world.
Yeah been pretty busy with the family and work. Got the rest of the week off so I'll be hittin it hard.

Weight: 190 pounds
Measurements soon. (before thanksgiving hehe)


Started Forma Stanozol (2x bottles) - I think it's important to run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with MLMG. Hopefully the two bottles will last thru post cycle therapy (pct).

Just got my green apple N2KTS! This stuff tastes amazing. I used to mix my stuff in fruit juice to help with flavor, but N2KTS tasted perfect in water. I used 2 scoops and it was a little strong for me (energy wise). Next time I'll try 1.5 scoops. N2KTS yields a very smooth, clean energy that doesn't feel jittery and won't make u crash.

I was looking at PhytoSerms-347. Anyone have any feedback on this? The divanil caught my eye, pharmaceutical extract. Haven't heard much about bulbine yet.
These were recorded on 11/24/10:

Right Arm: 14.75
Right Thigh: 22.25
Chest: 40.5
Stomach: 32.75
Hips: 36.5
Shoulders: 48.5
Right Calf: 14.5

I wish everyone a malicious Xmass!