BULK cycle: test, deca, dbol


New member
About to start my next bulking cycle. Stats: 260lbs, 6'3", 18% bf. I am aiming for a 20-30 lb gain on this bulk, my calories will be 4500 in the first month and around 5200 by the end depending on how the cycle is going.

Wk 1-4 dbol 60mg ed
Wk 1-10 deca 500mg ew
Wk 1-6 test e 1,000mg ew
Wk 7-13 sustanon 1,000mg ew

Adex .5mg e3d
Pct nolva (40,40,20,20) clomid (100,50,50,50)

I have some test e left over from prior cycle if you're wondering why I am switching half way to sustanon 250. I'd rather do sust all the way but I may aswell use my left overs.
Why not start with the sustanon and finish off with the test e being sustanon has some short ester test in it
You need to run deca longer then 10 weeks. 14-16 weeks would be ideal and run test 2-3 weeks longer.
You need to run deca longer then 10 weeks. 14-16 weeks would be ideal and run test 2-3 weeks longer.

So Basically..
Wk 1-4 dbol 60mg ed
Wk 1-15 deca 500mg ew
Wk 1-12 sust 1,000mg ew
Wk 13-18 test e 1,000mg ew

Sounds like a plan stan
Does this sound good or make any sense to do. Instead of my deca being at 500mg ew for 15 wks I start the cycle with deca and end it with Tren for the idea of taking off the bloat and to get very lean gains at the end.

Wk 1-10 deca 500mg ew
Wk 11-15 tren e 400mg ew

Any input would be appreciated
nope. tren e has a 14-16 day half life so your peak period would be FROM 6 weeks and longer, to which you're only doing 4.

Deca has an even longer ester and shouldn't be run less than 14-16 weeks.

Why not just run tren a if running tren for 4 weeks?
Why not run npp if running for 10 weeks?
Yea I figured I should keep it as is. I'm not a huge fan of short esters. I'll just keep the deca running for the full 15
Starting week 2 today. My pumps from the dbol have been great and I've been waking up at 266lbs now.