PCT isn't raising my LH or TEST


New member
Im over 40 and I just finished a cycle that looked like this:

1-12wks Deca 200mg/wk
1-12wks test e 300mg/wk
13-14wks test e 100mg/wk
1-4wks anavar 50mg daily
12-14wks winny 40mg daily
15-16wks winny 20mg daily
1-14wks hcg 500mg/wk
15-16wks hcg 500mg eod

1-4 wks clomid 100mg 1st wk 50mg 2-4wks
1-6 wks nolva 40mg 1st wk 20mg 2-6 wks

On the last day of my cycle my LH 0.2 and FSH 0.7 and Test 261. After a month on PCT my FSH 7.9 and LH 2.7 and Test 215. In the past my LH would come up more and the test would be normal at 500ish. Now my LH has come up but not much and even though the LH came up my test is still down. I have the last two wks of pct left where im just taking Nolva. I was going to get bloods done again in 4wks then see if I should restart the same PCT protocol with clomid and nolva for another 6wks.

My history. I have done one cycle of sarms that suppressed me badly and did a 4wk pct clomid/nolva. One cycle of test E 600mg per wk for 16wk with anavar for 4wks with 6wk pct clomid nolva. Felt good after that but 6months later did clomid and nolva for 8wks to see where I could get my test up to without AAS and it was about 1000 and I was making gains. I did another 6wks clomid nolva about 9months later but test only came up to 800s. I thought I might be getting desensitized to SERMS. 1yr later I started this cycle above.

I forgot to mention I just started taking IGF-1 DES 50mg twice a day for the next 20days. I read a rat study that improved testicular atrophy with IGF-1.
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Yes IGF will do some good for you for sure.
Why did you do your winny at the end of your cycle with no testosterone pinning?
500mg of HCG is low to do during any cycle and HCG is better termed as iu.
So you pinnied 500iu of HCG each week?
Sorry I put mg instead of IU absentmindedly. I pinned 500IU HCG once a week. For the two weeks after I stopped pinning test E I took low dose winny to help maintain gains while the test levels were declining. Winstrol clears the system pretty quickly so I actually stopped everything and waited for 4days before starting the nolva and clomid but I didn't want to type all that details.

On hand I have 5000IUs of HCG on hand. I have about 50 days worth of clomid at 50mg and 50days worth of nolva at 20mg.
Sorry I put mg instead of IU absentmindedly. I pinned 500IU HCG once a week. For the two weeks after I stopped pinning test E I took low dose winny to help maintain gains while the test levels were declining. Winstrol clears the system pretty quickly so I actually stopped everything and waited for 4days before starting the nolva and clomid but I didn't want to type all that details.

On hand I have 5000IUs of HCG on hand. I have about 50 days worth of clomid at 50mg and 50days worth of nolva at 20mg.

sounds lke your good to bo bro.
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