Bulking and cutting ?..................


New member
Hey people, im running a cutting cycle for 10 weeks how long do i have to wait befor i can start my bulking cycle ?
and what will happen if i stack my cutting cycle and bulking cycle to gether ?

Ps my cutting cycle is a stack off tren a, test p and masterone.
And bulking cycle will be testo e, and tren h ?
i did read some people did do a bulking cycle for 4-6 weeks and then 2-3 weeks of cutting ? with no rest between cycles
Time taken between cycles should be minimum Cycle+PCT length.So 10 week cycle 2 weeks then 4 week pct. 16 week break. If you want to cut your going to need a caloric deficit and the opposite for bulking.
^^^ 100% on the money, equal time on to time off for sufficient recovery... Unless cruise and blasting;)

Test e, deca and dbol for bulking <3
Between cycles period should be planned for sure! You can't avoid it if you want to safe your results and recover from cycle at the same time.
Okey,but what will happen if i do a cutting cycle for 1-8weeks and the 8-16 week i do a bulking cycle... Some one who have done a cycle like this befor
Its a little counter productive don't you think, Cut then directly into a bulk, lose weight then gain weight..Not seeing the point. Reason I say this is it is the same principle as bulking then cutting. Not only do you want to have time between cycles for safety and health reasons but you also want to allow time for your body to adjust to its new weight and maintain this new weight creating "a set point" before adding or decreasing from it.
I would think that the reverse would be better. Bulk to cut.
My cycle is sort of like this as was my last one. I am starting with test/dbol then switching to test/ tren. Only reason is that I lean out fast so I wanted to put on some weight/bulk then rein in my diet and switch to tren.
In this my goal would be to stay at my current weight but drop 3-5% body fat.
I would think that the reverse would be better. Bulk to cut.
My cycle is sort of like this as was my last one. I am starting with test/dbol then switching to test/ tren. Only reason is that I lean out fast so I wanted to put on some weight/bulk then rein in my diet and switch to tren.
In this my goal would be to stay at my current weight but drop 3-5% body fat.

Nothing wrong with that, thats more of a recomp than anything else in my opinion, it was more geared toward cutting leading to a bulk just didn't make sense to me
I can see trying to get a few %bf down befor you start with diet and cardio , but to use AAS to cut then bulk seems like a waste of pinns and hard earned gear
Okey this is what i think ... Me and my brother did the same bulking cycle... But he wos 8%bf and i wos 13 %bf and when we finish the cycle he did still look ripped and bulked and i wos like fat and bulked.... Thats why i want to cut then bulk after ... To look more ripped and bulked at the same time...
Now im 5weeks in to my cutting cycle and i have not gained any weight just lost some bf% , and i think at the ned of my cycle i will stack the ultradex 150 with Winny V