Bulking Diet!!

Hi Guys,
I have been a member of the board for a while now and thought I would get some diet advise to really make the most out of this cycle.

Currently on a cycle of Sustanon 750mg and dbol 50mg and have hit the 3rd week.
My current diet is as follows:

Meal 1: 4 egg whites + two eggs with yolks. Two slices of wholemeal toast, 1 cup of Oats, banana,
Meal 2: 1 can of tuna, Protein shake
Meal 3: 8oz Chicken, Basmati Rice, sweet potato
Gym at 2pm
pwo: Whey protein shake
Meal 4: 300gram streak with Veggies
Meal 5:6oz Chicken breast , Basmati Rice, veggies
Meal 6: Beans on wholemeal bread
Meal 7: can of tuna, Cassien protein shake

My goal is to keep about 7kgs (15pounds) and then strip back down 6 months after cycle has finished to make sure I have held my gains.

Looking at this do you think I would need to add or change anything?

Age 25
weight 94kgs/206
height 6'1
bf 15%
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Hi Guys,
I have been a member of the board for a while now and thought I would get some diet advise to really make the most out of this cycle.

Currently on a cycle of Sustanon 750mg and dbol 50mg and have hit the 3rd week.
My current diet is as follows:

Meal 1: 4 egg whites + two eggs with yolks. Two slices of wholemeal toast, 1 cup of Oats, banana,
Meal 2: 1 can of tuna, Protein shake
Meal 3: 8oz Chicken, Basmati Rice, sweet potato
Gym at 2pm
pwo: Whey protein shake
Meal 4: 300gram streak with Veggies
Meal 5:6oz Chicken breast , Basmati Rice, veggies
Meal 6: Beans on wholemeal bread
Meal 7: can of tuna, Cassien protein shake

Diet does not really make sense to me: combinations of food, food choices, meal layout, workout meals