Caladin's Last Hurrah!


-Flesh Eater-
This is my last attempt at gaining back some of the losses I have taken since my shoulder injury. I have been ghosting the forum for the last few years occasionally posting some insight when the mood strikes me.

I have been in the game since I was 16 I and now 42. I worked in the fitness industry from 20 - 33 as a strength coach when I was forced to change careers based on some personal issues. Four years ago when I was 38 I sustained my fourth and most sever shoulder injury that sidelined me for a year and I have never regained my original level of fitness... Its been up and down.. excuses and just general burn out. But there comes a time when you you look in the mirror and relzie that "old-man syndrome" is starring back at you and you need to shit or get off the pot. That is now!


First cycle
Sos 250 week
deca 300 week
10 weeks

2nd cycle
test E 500 week
dbol 50 (IP) "First Four weeks"
Win 50 (IP) "Last Four weeks"
12 Weeks

3rd cycle
test E 500 week
tren 75 EOD
10 weeks

test Prop 125 EOD
tren 100 EOD
8 weeks

5th cycle
300 EQ
500 test E
40mg dbol "last 4 weeks"
16 weeks

5a cycle
DNP 400mg 10Days

5b Cycle
clen and t3 30Days

6th cycle
500 test E
400 tren E
30mg dbol
16 Weeks

7th cycle
500 test E
400 deca - 15 weeks
600 - 800 EQ - 15 weeks
20 Weeks

As you can see this is not my 10th cycle of steroids but I am counting a DNP and a clen/t3 cycle as the other 2.

Cycle 10
T@ST E 500 Week 1-12
T@ST P 300/400 Week 13 - 16

Cycle 11
It was to be but my shoulder blew out 3 weeks in
T@ST E 500 Week 1-12
T@ST P 300/400 Week 13 - 16

Cycle 12
It was to be but shoulder comprised and sent me to the DOC 5 weeks in!
T@ST E 500 Week 1-12
T@ST P 300/400 Week 13 - 16

D@ca/NPP 500 Week 1 - 12
TR@N/MAST 300/400 Week 13-16

Exem 6.5mg \ED Week 1 - 12
HCG 500 Week 1 - 16

Clom 50-100mg Day Week 17-19


Toremifene Citrate Week 17 - 21

Exem 12.5 /ED Week 17 - 21
I set down with some colleagues and we went over the options. If it were not for my damn shoulder and my stubbornness to lift a shit ton of weight above my head I might not be in at this junction. So I went back to the books and put together a routine that should keep me on the straight and narrow.

More to follow!
I set down with some colleagues and we went over the options. If it were not for my damn shoulder and my stubbornness to lift a shit ton of weight above my head I might not be in at this junction. So I went back to the books and put together a routine that should keep me on the straight and narrow.

More to follow!

Many would argue deadlifts, but I feel its really the overhead press that separates the men from the boys. Best of luck with recovery and cycle man. You have enough experience it seems like to know what you need. Hopefully you come back stronger than ever. Will be interesting to track and follow your progress!!
FTR I love sauce. Its down right a hooya ride from day one. I would stay on indef if I was sure that my sources were always legit and wouldn't disappear at a moment notice. For the last 10 years I have made my own but I'm looking to test the waters of some of our UGs on the board. Rest assured if they are bunk I will share the info. I have a friend who is a chemist at Exxon who would test my gear once I put it together. I will be giving him a call. I have been around this forum and a few others since 2003. I have seen scamers, thieves, and legit sources come and go. Some to prison... I will let you know what I come up once I receive my first setup.

HERE is what I am looking at for my next build.

500mg Test E <> Weeks 1- 18 {250mg shots spaced twice over the week}
100mg Test P <> Weeks 19- 20 ED
100mg Mast P & Tren A <> Weeks 15- 20 EOD
50mg Anavar <> Weeks 15- 20 ED {Still on the fence on this}

100mcg GRF(1-29) <> Weeks 1- 25
100mg GHRP-2 <> Weeks 1- 25
2mg MFG <> Weeks 3-19 Every other Wednesday {500mcg shots spaced out over 48 Hours}

250 HCG <> Weeks 3- 8 & 12- 17 Every 4th day
12.5 mg Aromasin <> Weeks 1 - 14 EOD