There are apps you can use. If you have a droid type, you can get my fitness pal, you enter your info, goals of how much you want to lose and itll tell you how much to eat. You can scan the bar codes on your foods packaging, and itll pop up all the nurition facts.
Myfitnesspal is great as a calorie counter but HORRIBLE for coming up with macros. It tells me I need ~50g of dietary fat and under 125g of protein for the day (I'm 5'10" and 210lbs right now). Also I got the iPhone and ipad version of myfitnesspal so its on both droid and iOS. I do love that scan the barcode feature its such a timesaver.
Ronrr, to come up with your daily intake google the Katch-mcardle formula for calculating BMR. Once you get BMR multiply it by an activity factor (1.2-1.4 not active, 1.4-1.6moderately active, 1.7+ highly active) and that's considering the time in the gym and cardio, what you do at work, extracurricular activities etc.
BMR x activity factor = TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) how many calories you burn in a typical day
If you want to cut take 10-20% from your TDEE and that's your cut calorie level, to bulk add 10-20%
Example say TDEE is 3000cals/day example:
15% deficit Cut: 3000cals - (3000cals x .15) = 2550cals/day to cut at a 15% deficit
20% surplus bulk: 3000cals + (3000cals x .20) = 3600cals/day to bulk at a 20% surplus
Once you get your calorie level per day get anywhere from 1.0-1.5g/lb BW in protein MINIMUM, ~.4g/lb BW dietary fat MINIMUM, and the remaining calories can come from carbs, more protein, more fat, or any combination of those.
Also remember these are just estimates, very good ones at that, but may require some adjustment. Stick to the numbers for 2-3wks and if no change adjust up or down in small increments to get what you want.