can bulking eventually lead to type 2 diabetes?


I am banned!
lets say bulking natty at like 4300 cals. alot of carbs would put stress on the pacrease and it could happen later in life. thoughts?
Only if you didn't put those calories to use. The pancreas gets stressed from having to play keep up when insulin resistance sets in. The biggest cause of insulin resistance? Obesity.

However, if you put on a great deal of lean mass, it would consume calories continuously - which actually benefits your glycemic response.

This is assuming we're talking about a healthy individual that isn't on certain drugs/hormones that induce insulin resistance like HGH or corticosteroids/glucosteroids.

My .02c :)
Only if you didn't put those calories to use. The pancreas gets stressed from having to play keep up when insulin resistance sets in. The biggest cause of insulin resistance? Obesity.

However, if you put on a great deal of lean mass, it would consume calories continuously - which actually benefits your glycemic response.

This is assuming we're talking about a healthy individual that isn't on certain drugs/hormones that induce insulin resistance like HGH or corticosteroids/glucosteroids.

My .02c :)

thanks lad. yea i workout for like 3 hours a day so it should be fine lol
Michael Phelps consumes 10,000+ calories while training. I don't believe he's diabetic or bulking. Think about it...
I have a genetic predisposition towards Type 2 diabetes. My dad recently told me (only because I asked - come on parents, inform your kids of important family medical history!!) that all my relatives on his side had Type 2 diabetes regardless of eating habits and lifestyle except him - even the ones who were in great shape and worked hard every day...and all of them became that way in their 40s - and I am now in my 40s. I recently had a scare where my fasting blood sugar level went up 30 points in a month, from the mid 80s to over 110 (which is why I asked my dad about family history)!!! All this while on a cut with 3J, not cheating (or rather, barely cheating), and eating whole foods. Turns out, it was the glucosamine joint supplements I started taking. Stopped taking them and it dropped back down rather quickly. I can only imagine what would have happened to me had I NOT started this lifestyle change when I did. I am sure I would be a type 2 diabetic by now.

I watch my fasting blood sugar closely now. Eating a single snickers bar 18 hours before the test puts me at almost 100 - a 15ish point raise.

So what I am saying is, learn your own body and how it works. Get a LOT of blood tests done while you make changes so you can see exactly what is happening. If you go to and sign up for their newsletter, they will send you a 15% off coupon every week or so. Get the Hormone Panel for Females (it is for men too) and it is only around $60. It is well worth it.
One of the scourges of the modern world is the proliferation of simple carbs. They are EVERYWHERE! If you are bulking and eating crap, then certainly you could run the risk of type 2 diabetes...bread, pasta, potatoes, corn (and corn syrup), etc are all super high in simple carbs. If you stick to slow releasing, complex carbs you run far less risk of becoming insulin resistant.

Just try and eat clean!
you shouldn't be bulking for very extended periods of time anyways.. and i agree with halfs and cybrs posts