can someone help me make a diet?


New member
so ive never actually made a propper diet before... i dont really know how to calculate the fooods into kcals or watever u call it macro nutrients so much stuff to learn....
all i know is 1g protein = 4 cal, 1g carb = 4 carl, 1g fat = 9 calories
i weight like 70kg so i need about 3500 calories a day... i want to bulk ! im 21 165cm tall and about 8-9% body fat i reckon.

any help will be much appreciated .
so ive never actually made a propper diet before... i dont really know how to calculate the fooods into kcals or watever u call it macro nutrients so much stuff to learn....
all i know is 1g protein = 4 cal, 1g carb = 4 carl, 1g fat = 9 calories
i weight like 70kg so i need about 3500 calories a day... i want to bulk ! im 21 165cm tall and about 8-9% body fat i reckon.

any help will be much appreciated .

Start here, read first post thoroughly. If you read it thoroughly and still have questions then by all means, ask away and you'll get all the help you need.
yeh ive read this post many times...
but i still dont understand how u calculate the foods into calories ( macros or watever u call it ) ....
Also here:

Dude you need to do some research. Its not a simple task, it takes ages to learn how to do all of this stuff. A lot of trial and error as well to see what is working for your body and what isnt.

The formula in that link is what i use and it works perfectly. You need to work out your caloric maintenance level using this formula, and then add 15% to 20% more calories in order to see significant results. And remember to train hard! You will gain fat too, its all part of it.

Once you achieve this number, you need to workout your macro nutrient ratios.

eg: 45% protien, 35% carbs, 25% fat

So lets say you need 3500 calories a day. Lets work out how many of these calories would be protein.

3500 x .45 = 1575. Then we divide this by 4, as there are 4 calories per gram of protein. That gives us 393.75 grams a day from protein.

So we split this up over our meals. I personally eat 6 meals a day, so i divide 393.75 by 6 and get 65 grams of protein. That means i need 65 grams of protein in each meal throughout the day

Do this for each macro nutrient.

This is the easy part. The hard part is actually implementing this every day. Once you get used to it its easy. But at the start, it can be really frustrating.

Meal example for myself

Chicken Breast: 230grams = approx 65 grams of protein and 9.2 grams of fat
Brown Rice: 70-75 grams = approx 51 grams of carbs and 2.9 grams of fat
Olive Oil: 4 grams = 4 grams of fat

So this meal has 65 grams of protein, 51 grams of carbs, and about 16 grams of fat.

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yeh ive read this post many times...
but i still dont understand how u calculate the foods into calories ( macros or watever u call it ) ....

There is no secret formula, its straight math. If you know the macros you know your calories. If your meal has 10P 10C and 10F it means your meal has
10 Pro = 40 Cals
10 Car = 40 Cals
10 Fat = 90 Cals

If your making your own meals and your not sure of the macros then yoiur best bet is to plug everything into and it will spit out your macros.

It sucks the first few times but once you enter your normal foods its easy to keep them up to date and we are creatures of habit, we tend to eat the same things over and over. You'll get the hang of it pretty damn quick. The first entries suck though but if you want to get serious you need to do it.

I weighed all my food for the first two weeks. Now i know what my portions should be. Im not going to sweat it if im a few cals under or over, i know the general portion sizes i am supposed to be eating at each meal.