Can you combine these peptides?


New member
250 mcg of HGH Frag 176-191 for fat loss and 200 mcg of ipamorelin in a single nighttime pin for anti-aging and repair? Or are they mutually exclusive.

I was reading on the forums that frag blunts GH secretion so would the Ipam be a good or bad add?

Still studying the ol' ass off.
If it were me I would not use Frag unless you want a very slight edge on fat loss. I would suggest just going with a GHRP and GHRH combination instead. This is because coaxing your lab rat to produce more of its own HGH through this method is probably better. Fragment is only part of the HGH hormone. For some obvious reasons the whole hormone is better. Keep researching and let us know if you have questions.
You could, but as stated i would rec a cjc/ghrp combo pinned 3X a day for 4-5months over it.

hGH frag is ok for some enhanced fatloss.
but even just igf1 + t3 might be better for you if you only want to pin 1-2 times a day and only run a shorter cycle for fatloss.
igf1 will help hold muscle mass and t3 lose fat.

again you could do what you stated but it would be very mild in effects.
I can vouch for the 3x a day method works great. Although lately I can't take pins to my new job soooo.... I do a bigger dose twice a day morning and night. Have not noticed a difference yet for the good or bad.

old way 100mcg CJC1295 and 100mcg ipam both 3 times a day.
new way 200 mcg each morning and night.

Got me wondering anyone ever try no GHRH and just mega doses of ipam?

Food for thought... :)
Thanks for the info y'all!!! I thought Ipam was one of the lower side effect GHRP peps. I will try to get the funds to add in what y'all suggest. I do appreciate the wisdom and insight!:)