Can you guys help me out please?

no regrets

New member
I am 19 years old, 6'2, 212.5 pounds. I just finished up a winter bulk and now would like your help with a cut please.

On the bulk I was eating 8 clean meals a day (5 whole food meals and 3 shakes, every 2 hours). I know this is everyone's goal but I am trying to keep as much muscle mass as possible while losing a little bit of fat. Should I cut back on meals or since I heard one can only digest a certain amount of protein at once possibly eat more meals to get my protein intake even higher?

I plan on doing cardio twice a week for 30 minutes each time and also a 10 minute warm-up on the bike on leg days.

I know there is a way to figure out how many calories I should be eating but I am not sure how to do it.

Can you guys please help guide me in the right direction with this cut. I appreciate your help.
keep your carbs low, protien your fats, stay away from solidifying fats...

go to and you can input everything you eat in a day and you can even put in the nutritional values for your protien etc....def a great help in keeping tabs on your carb/protien/fat intake every day

I am not sure if I have understod the question but you want to know how to calculate your calories?

This is how you do it anyway.

* 1 gram of protein is equal to 4 kcal.
* 1 gram of carb is equal to 4 kcal.
* 1 gram of fat is equal to 9 kcal.
* 1 gram of alcohol is equal to 7 kcal.

Lets say you are on a cutting diet then your E% could look something like this:
Protein 55 E% (55 % of your daily intake should be from protein).
Carbs 25 E% (25 % of your daily intake should be from carbs).
Fat 20 E% (20 % of your daily intake should be from fat).

Now if your total kcal intake on a day is 3000. Then your E% will look like this.
Protein: 1650 kcal = 412 g = 55 E%.
Carbs: 750 kcal = 182 g = 25 E%.
Fat: 600 kcal = 67 g = 20 E%.
beaf said:
I am not sure if I have understod the question but you want to know how to calculate your calories?

This is how you do it anyway.

* 1 gram of protein is equal to 4 kcal.
* 1 gram of carb is equal to 4 kcal.
* 1 gram of fat is equal to 9 kcal.
* 1 gram of alcohol is equal to 7 kcal.

Lets say you are on a cutting diet then your E% could look something like this:
Protein 55 E% (55 % of your daily intake should be from protein).
Carbs 25 E% (25 % of your daily intake should be from carbs).
Fat 20 E% (20 % of your daily intake should be from fat).

Now if your total kcal intake on a day is 3000. Then your E% will look like this.
Protein: 1650 kcal = 412 g = 55 E%.
Carbs: 750 kcal = 182 g = 25 E%.
Fat: 600 kcal = 67 g = 20 E%.
Good Post Beef.
hey few points i like to add here, my a belly is getting big , really big, now i do cardio a lot and that shit dont help,. help i'm chubby :eyes:
thanks beaf, that helped a lot.

One more quick question: To calculate my maintenance calories, it's my bodyweight x 17?
thanks beaf, that helped a lot.

One more quick question: To calculate my maintenance calories, it's my bodyweight x 17?
When you have calculated your maintenance kcal, reduce 500 kcal from it the first week. When the first week is over you should know how much weight you have lost, you should not lose more then 1 kg/week, so if it is moore then that you should up your calories a bit.
thanks for the help guys. I just calculated and my maintenence calories are 2,544. I am going to shoot for 2,044 and add a couple cardio sessions and see how it works.

Beaf, I am not going to try and lose more than 1 pound per week. I don't want to lose that much weight in the first place just a little bit of stubborn fat. Thanks again for the help guys.