Can you reuse a whatman??


New member
Just got done filtering my homemade tren(for the 2nd time) I ordered another when my old one blew out. Does anyone save these for another batch or just throw them away? BTW.... Its now the prettiest tren Ive ever saw. Thanks for all the help guys. esp you Dougoe... Later
NP man, the filter is a one shot deal. You could get away with filtering 2 small batches at once maybe, but dont try to save it for later. I wouldnt want to chance a potential infection or problem to save a few bucks.
your definition of one time use only.

when you say it's a one shot deal. then technically are you talking about inserting the needle only once in the filter? uhmmm.....if i'm trying to make a 40ml solution...with using a 10ml syringe i have to insert it in and out 4 times to make the solution? is this what you mean. can i still insert the needle in and out to make the desired quantity of the solution? need help guys. you should have pointed this out earlier.

emperorga said:
when you say it's a one shot deal. then technically are you talking about inserting the needle only once in the filter? uhmmm.....if i'm trying to make a 40ml solution...with using a 10ml syringe i have to insert it in and out 4 times to make the solution? is this what you mean. can i still insert the needle in and out to make the desired quantity of the solution? need help guys. you should have pointed this out earlier.


Yes you can do that no problem at all what he means I beleieve, is say you convert 1 small batch of 40 mls don't save your filter to convert and other samll batch when u run out of your tren.

Its only gotta stay sterile on the output side. So attaching the syringe a bunch on times is fine, just keep the output end sterile.
There is actually a way of re-sterilizing them. But I won't post it here because someone will likely do it wrong, get an infection, and bitch--lol.

I learned it from one of the big-time kit makers, and it works. But even knowing how, after trying it to see if it worked. I still always dumped it and got a new one for next time.

Iron Addict
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iron addict said:
There is actually a way of re-sterilizing them. But I won't post it here because someone will likely do it wrong, get an infection, and bitch--lol.

I learned it from one of the big-time kit makers, and it works. But even knowing how, after trying it to see if it worked. I still always dumped it and got a new one for next time.

Iron Addict

esp when they 2 bucks a piece.
Are you talking about the method by which you reverse filter with something like isopropyl? A rep from whatman told me that the filter media is comprimised the second you put negative pressure on it. Although I dont really think your going to ruin a filter by back filtering, (ive seen it done, pretty unique setups). Id still rather spend 4 bucks on a new whatman rather than a bottle of antibiotics.