Can't gain weight. HELP!


New member
Ok, I've been lifting for a little over a year, however only for about 3 months seriously. The least amount of time I spend in the gym a week is about an hour and a half 3 days a week. Sometimes up to 5 days a week, and some days up to 2+ hrs. Almost no cardio. I switch up my excersizes every week, and have been doing 5 sets of 6 reps of my main weights to where I can barely get 6 reps. I'm soar all the time (but a good soar) so that means I should be gaining right? My diet isn't that bad. I dont eat fast food, only drink water and skim milk. Stopped drinking all together a month ago. Plus I still have a huge gut. I'm 6'1" and 165lbs, but my frame looks like I should be about 140lbs. My gut will not go away and I work abs every day doing different excersizes to do different parts of the abdominals. The guy I go with used to be skinny like me and packed on 40lbs of muscle. Granted it took him over a year, but I haven't gained a pound in over 3 months of seriously lifting. Plus the guy I go with has ab's again, and I have none. I take 3 "Pro Comp." protien shakes a day, a multi-vitamin, and just started NO-Explode this week. Was on T-3 for a while, but I heard it was really bad for you, plus my arms turned to mush when I took it. Please help, because the only conclusion i've come to is that its just genetics and I'll hafta deal with it. :soap:
Man, you have a lot of research to do.

First off, why are you taking t3 when you are over 6 feet tall and weigh 165lbs?
How can you have a huge gut when you are over 6 feet tall and weigh 165lbs?

If you want to gain some weight... Eat some food

Seems pretty damn easy doesn't it.
wish it was that simple

I eat everything in sight
Basically the easiest way to describe myself is that my midsection is way out of proportion from the rest of my body, i have small arms and small legs. My guts not huge, but for my body, its big.
And yeah, i didn't really look into T3, i just grabbed it and started takin it for somethin different. It was my bad, and I stopped takin it about 3 weeks ago
try the training forum and diet forum, not the suppliment forum. This is only a small part of a very simple equation...

Proper Training+Proper Nutrition+Sleep=Gains
you need to lift for more than 5 minutes.results dont come over night you you do squats and deadlifts?
You need an abbreviated routine of heavy squats, deadlifts, bench press and ab work for only 3 days a week. Eat a lot of food.
I can guarantee that you don't eat enough.

If you went into the Training Forum and asked what guys like Pullinbig, DADAWG, CrazyMike, In-Human, etc what they are eating you will understand why they are the size that they are.

You can workout as hard as you want and take all the supplements in the world but if Your diet isn't in check you are going to be disappointed.
You have to do something wrong.
Post youre training routine in the training section and youre diet in the diet section and youll get help.
"everything in sight" wont do it.