Cant two products with different chemical names be the same?


New member
Hey guys. Ive been planning on a cycle of methylstenbolone.
However, there are two products im looking at. Msten 10 and msten rx. msten 10 is much cheaper, but the two companies ive talked to say that they are exactly the same. But the chemical names dont exactly match up.

Msten 10 - 2,17***945;-dimethyl-5***945;-androsta-1-en-17***946;-ol-3-one 10mg **

Msten rx - 2, 17a-dimethyl-17b-hydroxy-5a-androst-1-en-3-one 10mg

Both have 10mg of methylstenbolone. Is there a difference?
There are different ways to write out the nomenclature for compounds, yes.... You will also see a case from time to time where a company may change it either to try to hide it (for legal reasons?) or where they just flat out have it wrong. Not all companies are created equal either, so make sure to choose a company with a good reputation so that you know what you're getting