Capping DBol Powder??


Gettin Swole
Can someone tell me how its done? I wanna make 5 or 10 mg caps. What size caps I need? What machine caps the best? and do I need a scale? Please dont respond with why dont you just make it into solution!! Thanks Bros.
The smallest caps they sell are usually around 150mg when full, so you need it to be mostly filler. Plus, you'll need a scale that is ACURATE at .005mg which will cost A LOT. Enough to make them more expensive then just buying thais. You didn't want to hear it, but make a solution.
you dont necessarily need a scale that accurate, even if i had one, i would not measure each dose before i capped it... use math bro, i posted on here somewhere how to do it, i think it was a capping anavar post
why not make a solution or suspension? it'll be more accurate than capping your own. 1 gram dbol in 99ml solvent (bacardi 151, peg 400, prop glyc, etc...) will yield around 10mg per ml.