Capping Multiple Active Ingredients


New member
Hey guys, i know this is a bit off topic, but was hoping somebody could provide some much needed assistance!

I understand how to cap with 1 active ingredient and 1 filler, no problems, but what about when you have 2,3,4 active ingredients in 1 capsule.

My Calculation Example
Hypothetically lets say 12 capsules filled with each ingredient by itself yields:
Synephrine 9,600mg (800mg per cap),
Hordenine 11,400mg (950 per cap)
PEA 12,600mg (1,050mg per cap), *varying amounts due to different powder densities, only estimates for hypothetical scenario.

Then Vitamin C (as filler) in 12 Capsules by itself = 8,400mg (700mg per capsule)
700mg – (500+20+50) = 130mg filler per capsule.

If i want each capsule containing 20mg Synephrine, 50mg Hordenine and 500mg PEA, then for 12 capsules i would need 240mg Synephrine, 600mg Hordenine and 6,000mg PEA = 6,840mg Total.

But when spreading this mixture onto the capsule machine, this will most likely leave blank space in capsules as more powder falls into some than others and thus inaccurate doses in each capsule, which is why the filler is needed, to make sure each capsule is as full as possible, so the mixture can be spread evenly on the capsule machine with no leftover.

If Vitamin C is used as the filler then 8,400mg - 6,840mg = 1,560 / 12 = 130mg per capsule. Would this then yield me 12 capsules with the exact doses for each ingredient with a filler of 130mg Vit C per capsule.

This is what i have worked out myself, but is this at all accurate? Does it take into account the densities for each each ingredient when working out the filler amount? Like 800mg of synephrine might fit into one capsule, whereas 950 of hordenine fits into the same capsule due to different densities, so does this then effect the future calculations? I have no idea if I'm on the right track or not and weather or not this method will allow me to end up with correct dosages.

I wouldn't be concerned usually, but when dealing with such small dosages, when + or - a few mg can make a huge difference, i want to make sure I'm right.
Fill all caps completely with filler, record volume. Add filler to all combined active ingredients until recorded volume is met. Mix well and fill.
First thing you need is a means to properly mix your ingredients throughly. You can use a tumbler or vibrator used for cleaning ammunition cases. There cheap and work great.
Your math is correct