Capping Nolva Powder


I have some nolva powder i would like to cap instead of making a liquid with, i find it much more convenient to have them as caps. I have never done this before, any tips/advice to dosing them correctly and capping them the easiest is appreciated. I would like 20mg caps. Thanks

I have 10 grams of powder. I realize it's cheaper to use liquid, but i just find caps more convenient to keep around. I'd be willing to listen to the best way suggested to making the liquid as well, i dont think i can get everclear locally to me. Thanks

ok try this, simple math...
- you have 10,000mg (10g) of Tamoxifen Citrate.
- you want 20mg of the powder in each pill.
- so 10,000/20 = 500. So you need to make 500 pills in all.
- Go buy 500-1000 empty gelcaps from your local helthfood store, a capper.
-Ive used Cap-M-Quik before, with a tamber. Make sure you get the right size gelcaps to fit the capper. I would use Single "0" as you dont need to hold a lot shit in there.
Now, find out how much each Single "0" cap holds (i dont remember, it should say on container). But lets just say it holds 300mg of powder per capsule. You need a filler.
- Go buy some cornstarch to use as your filler. Now for some more math...
- You want 20mg of Tamoxifen per pill. 10,000mg of Tamoxifen will yeild ~500 pills. So you want 280mg of cornstarch per pill (remember, if it holds 300mg, subtract the desired amount of substance, 20mg, and you are left with 280). This will be your filler. So, 280mg cornstarch multiplied by 500 pills is 140,000mg. Now...
- Mix the 140g of cornstarch along with the 10g of Tamoxifen Citrate in a big container. MIX THE SHIT OUT OF IT, MAKE SURE IT IS AS EVEN A SPOSSIBLE. You will not get 20mg per pill, but close enough.
- Now that you have the mixture, go ahead and start using the capping machine, make sure you use the tamber!
And now you know why everybody does the liquid...think about how long it will take once you get all the stuff mixed just to cap the shit. Not to mention the mess with all the powder going everywhere.

500, that would take me all fucking day.
it does take a while, but if you got nothing to do all day i guess, it would be a whole lot cooler to have 500 Nolvadex pills.... :D