Carb Blockers....effective or a waste


New member
I've been looking around at different dieting supplements and I was wondering if anyone has ever used a carb blocking supplement that did any good. Do any of them work or is it all a gimmick? For example, I was reading the Xyience Carb blocking supplement description and it said it can block up to 1600 calories a day...seems like BS to me I just wanted to get other thoughts and opinions.
A lot of those products have chitosan in them. Which is produced from the exoskeletons of seacreatures. It's supposed to block carbohydrates and make you poop them out. It might work a little bit, but their claims are far beyond the results you're going to get. I will never recommend a carbohydrate blocker for a flat loss program. Bottom line - waste of money

My Recommendations:
Nutrex Lipo 6
Muscletech Hydroxycut Hardcore
SAN Tight
Muscletech ThermoGain
They dont work, but some people need them to stay consistent in the gym. They spend money on it- its in thier head to exercise. I dunno.