Carb cycling diet check for bulking, need opinions


New member
Hello guys,

l am 5'9 186 lbs. at the moment and about 10% bf. l am planning a clean bulk cycle after a month. l tried this year first time a carb cycling for my cut/recomp and maintaining phases and it seemed to work pretty well, couse all the other times l gained fat pretty fast. Especially when bulking. So this time l decided to make my bulk with carb cycling.

My cycle will be

1-9 Prop 525mg/week
1-8 Npp 475mg/week
6-9 Winstrol (winny) 70mg/ed
1-9 A-dex 0.5mg/eod

Now at the moment my carb cycling plan is 5 days and looks like this :

Day 1 Low
Carb : 100 ; Prot 390 ; Fat 40 Calories : 2468
Day 2 Low
Carb : 100 ; Prot 390 ; Fat 40 Calories :
Day 3 Med
Carb : 200 ; Prot 390 ; Fat 45 Calories :
Day 4 Med+
Carb : 350 ; Prot 390 ; Fat 52 Calories :
Day 5 High
Carb : 600 ; Prot 390 ; Fat 66 Calories : 4971

l dont count protein from grain foods, so its all the same each day from meat, eggs, cottage cheeze, fish and so on. l also dont count vegetables, which l eat about 1-1.5kg a day.
This diet at the moment in 5 day cycle consist of around 3300 kcal average. To maintain, maybe a bit to gain.

l plan to up my calories to average of 3500 On my clean bulk and keep it there, so l plan to up my carb cycling like this

Protein all the time 390 same with fat around 40-50

Carbs :

Day 1 Low ; 125 Carbs
Day 2 Low ; 125 Carbs
Day 3 Med ; 225 Carbs
Day 4 Med+ ; 375 Carbs
Day 5 High ; 625 Carbs

Plan Modified as Weez suggested :

Day 1 Low ; 125 Carbs ; 365 Protein ; 60 Fat
Day 2 Low ; 125 Carbs ; 365 Protein ; 60 Fat
Day 3 Med ; 225 Carbs ; 365 Protein ; 63 Fat
Day 4 Med+ ; 375 Carbs ; 365 Protein ; 70 Fat
Day 5 High ; 600 Carbs ; 365 Protein ; 83 Fat

This will all be about 3500~ calories in average of 5 day cycle.

So guys what do you think ?
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I like your approach but I think your protein is a little on the high side. I would like to see you leave the carbs where they are or maybe drop the 600g day a little.

I would drop your protein to about 325-350 and make up the difference in good fats each day.
whats your bmr/tdee??

go read the first post of my free diet advice thread.. use formula 1
ok... how am i supposed to critique your diet without an actual diet present???

i would run it.. 300 high 200g med 100g low... and up my fats high to keep the bulk as clean as possible...

so its really predicated on your workout split..

e.g. you workout 5 days a week...

starting monday:


cheat on one of your 300g days...
My workout will be :

Monday Arms/Delts
Tuesday Quads/Calfs/Abs
Wednesday OFF
Thursday Chest/Tris/Delts
Friday Back/Traps/Bis/
Saturday Hamstrings/Calfs/Abs
Sunday OFF

l Can post my diet its not a problem also l have everything written and checked :) But do u say that more fats and less carbs will make the bulk cleaner ?
well pick a calorie intake.. keep your protein steady at 250g every day... when your carbs are 300g your fats will naturally have to be low.. when they are 200g the fats go up to make up for those 100g.. when they are 100g.. the fats go up more to make up for that.. get it?
So l for example l pick calories intake around 3400-3500 Calories , then l eat each day this amount of calories, just that from different macronutrients like on high carb day these calories willl mostly come from carbs + prot and on low carb days reverse, right ? :)
3J l just wrote down and counted all my 3 days of this carbs cycle Day 300 carbs , Day 200 carbs , Day 100 carbs.

I Dont count vegetables calories and their carbs/prot etc. l

l Dont count carbs from meat sources, protein sources, nuts and so on , ONLY FROM FRUITS, OATS , RICE and so on.

l Dont count protein from vegetables, fruits, rice, oats and so on ONLY FROM MEAT , Cottage cheeze , protein and so on

IS this ok ? Becouse if l would count all it would be at least 100-150 ~ calories more in total, and some other macro nutrients.

So here is the 3 day Diet please check if u can and tell me if my foods l eat are ok and what would u change and is timings ok.
l Try to eat most carbs till 19:00 pm then only protein + fat , couse if l tried carbs later they just made me fat. l also left protein becouse l will be on cycle with bigger protein synthesis + 300-350 is a golden number for me as far as my training experience goes :)


Day 300 carbs

09:00-9:30 AM Meal1 cal/fat/carb/pro

1 xl whole egg 65/6.6/0.7/8
7 xl egg whites 300/0/0/31.5
95 grams of Oats 323/6.4/53/13
Half scoop of whey protein 61/0.5/1.5/12

11:30-12:00 AM Meal2 cal/fat/carb/pro ( About 1 hour before workout )

220 grams Chicken breast 317/7.7/0/62
120 grams brown rice 418/2.6/89/2.6
1-1.5 cup of vegetables

13:00-13:30 PM Workout

14:30-15:00 PM Meal3 cal/fat/carb/pro ( PWO meal)

2 scoops of whey protein 245/2/6/49
100 grams of banana 92/0.4/23.4/1

16:00 PM Meal4 cal/fat/carb/pro ( 1 hour after PWO meal )

215 grams of Chicken breast 310/7.5/0/60
120 grams of brown rice 418/2.6/89/2.6
1-1.5 cup of vegetables

19:00 PM Meal5 cal/fat/carb/pro

220 grams Chicken breast 317/7.7/0/62
60 grams brown rice 209/1.3/44.8/4.5
1-1.5 cup of vegetables

20:45 PM Meal6 cal/fat/carb/pro

120 grams of Tuna fish 132/0/0/31.2
5 grams of Flaxseed oil 41/4.5/0/0
0.5 cup of tomatoes

23:00 PM Meal7 cal/fat/carb/pro

200 grams Cottage Cheeze 198/1/7/39.6

TOTAL Calories : 3492.15 Fat : 70 Carbs : 300 Protein : 350


Day 200 Carbs

09:00-9:30 AM Meal1 cal/fat/carb/pro

1 xl whole egg 65/6.6/0.7/8
7 xl egg whites 300/0/0/31.5
70 grams of Oats 238/4.7/39/9.8
Half scoop of whey protein 61/0.5/1.5/12
5 grams of wallnut oil 44/5/0/0

11:30-12:00 AM Meal2 cal/fat/carb/pro ( About 1 hour before workout )

220 grams Chicken breast 317/7.7/0/62
70 grams brown rice 244/1.5/52/5
10 grams of olive oil 88/10/0/0
1-1.5 cup of vegetables

13:00-13:30 PM Workout

14:30-15:00 PM Meal3 cal/fat/carb/pro ( PWO meal)

2 scoops of whey protein 245/2/6/49
70 grams of banana 64/0.2/16.4/0.7

16:00 PM Meal4 cal/fat/carb/pro ( 1 hour after PWO meal )

215 grams of Chicken breast 310/7.5/0/60
70 grams of brown rice 244/1.5/52/5
5 grams of Olive oil 44/5/0/0
45 grams Avocado 119/12/2.3/0.7
1-1.5 cup of vegetables

19:00 PM Meal5 cal/fat/carb/pro

220 grams Chicken breast 317/7.7/0/62
60 grams brown rice 209/1.3/44.8/4.5
5 grams of Olive oil 44/5/0/0
45 grams Avocado 119/12/2.3/0.7
1-1.5 cup of vegetables

20:45 PM Meal6 cal/fat/carb/pro

120 grams of Tuna fish 132/0/0/31.2
20 grams of Flaxseed Oil 163/18.16/0/0
0.5 cup of tomatoes

23:00 PM Meal7 cal/fat/carb/pro

200 grams Cottage Cheeze 198/1/7/39.6
5 grams of wallnut oil 44/5/0/0

TOTAL Calories : 3484.35 Fat : 114 Carbs : 200 Protein : 350


Day 100 Carbs

09:00-9:30 AM Meal1 cal/fat/carb/pro

1 xl whole egg 65/6.6/0.7/8
7 xl egg whites 300/0/0/31.5
30 grams of Oats 102/2/17/4.2
Half scoop of whey protein 61/0.5/1.5/12
5 grams of wallnut oil 44/5/0/0
25 grams of wallnuts 160/15.5/4.5/3.5

11:30-12:00 AM Meal2 cal/fat/carb/pro ( About 1 hour before workout )

220 grams Chicken breast 317/7.7/0/62
47 grams brown rice 165/1/35.4/3.5
10 grams of olive oil 88/10/0/0
1-1.5 cup of vegetables

13:00-13:30 PM Workout

14:30-15:00 PM Meal3 cal/fat/carb/pro ( PWO meal)

2 scoops of whey protein 245/2/6/49
50 grams of banana 46/0.2/12/0.5

16:00 PM Meal4 cal/fat/carb/pro ( 1 hour after PWO meal )

215 grams of Chicken breast 310/7.5/0/60
47 grams brown rice 165/1/35.4/3.5
10 grams of Olive oil 44/5/0/0
50 grams Avocado 132/13.2/2.5/0.5
1-1.5 cup of vegetables

19:00 PM Meal5 cal/fat/carb/pro

220 grams Chicken breast 317/7.7/0/62
10 grams of Olive oil 44/5/0/0
50 grams Avocado 132/13.2/2.5/0.5
1-1.5 cup of vegetables

20:45 PM Meal6 cal/fat/carb/pro

120 grams of Tuna fish 132/0/0/31.2
25 grams of Flaxseed Oil 163/18.16/0/0
25 grams of wallnuts 160/15.5/4.5/3.5
0.5 cup of tomatoes

23:00 PM Meal7 cal/fat/carb/pro

200 grams Cottage Cheeze 198/1/7/39.6
10 grams of wallnut oil 44/5/0/0

TOTAL Calories : 3485.5 Fat : 162 Carbs : 100 Protein : 350
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ok everything looks fine except your using the same carb and protein source over and over again...

this will lead to food born allergies.. and diet failure..

so choose other protein and carb sources

turkey breast

sweet potato
red kidney beans

mix it up..

i eat from 4 protein sources and 3 carb sources a day
Thanks 3J ! Speaking about food l've been eating like this for 3-4 last years each and every day, no cheatins no nothign same foods and so far no allergies, no failures, l guess l just love these carb and protein sources :), but l will change them up as u said anyway, maybe l will get some benefits which l hadnt before :)
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