carbs per house question...


New member
how many carbs per hour is one supposed to ingest while bulking. i know later in the day to go easier on carbs but just in general how much is to much?
That is a difficult question to answer, especially when you consider that different carbs are are different places on the GI scale. Dextrose hits the blood a shitload faster than oatmeal.
Too many variables to answer this question......everything is dependent on your size, metabolism, etc etc. Really the best way to figure things out is to experiment and find out what your body needs to grow.
in the early day i eat like a 100 carbs a meal or so. in rice, bread, pasta, yogurt(sometimes). oatmeal..well you get the idea. what do you think? im 5'6" 180. Im gettin stuck at my weight now so i was just curious as to how much is within reason to carbs per hour.
I agree with everyone on the individual thing. I can eat a ton of carbs without much problem. However, I have to make sure my fat intake is low. For someone else they may do well with more fat and less carbs.
For me it doesn't matter what time of day. I make my best gains on a diet evenly split between fat/carbs/protein. So like everyone else said, you'll just have to experiment.