casein shake or cottage cheese


New member
was reading about taking casein before bedtime as its a slow release protein was wondering what best is it the shakes or cottage cheese and also what is the recomended daily amount,and where is the best place to purchase casein powder for the shakes many thanks cheers
was reading about taking casein before bedtime as its a slow release protein was wondering what best is it the shakes or cottage cheese and also what is the recomended daily amount,and where is the best place to purchase casein powder for the shakes many thanks cheers

Ive been battling this same question, I dont really like cottage cheese unless it has fresh fruit in it but i try to avoid carbs entirely at night. I dont think there is any wrong answer but lately ive been trying to stick to either a lean red meat or casein powder at night but occasionally have some cottage cheese.

I get my casein powder at GNC or Vitaminshoppe. I usually get optimum nutrition chocolate casein.
I would say cottage cheese based on advice I read from 3J. Whole foods boost the metabolism more so then shakes. So ending the day with some cottage cheese may be the best choice. From talking to 3J and a few dietitian's along the way i have learned to minimize my shakes to PWO only.

Also it depends on your goals. If your looking to bulk ANPB may be a better alternative because you get the benefit of the good fats and calories while still utilizing a slow release whole food based protein.

PWO=Post Workout
ANPB= All Natural Peanut Butter
I eat the fat free cottage cheese with sugar free jam mixed in as my last meal. It fills you up. It's actually pretty tasty and the jam adds very few carbs...