Cheap Oil (Bulk)


Anyone know where to get oil for conversions (soy, sesame, cottonseed, etc...) in bulk for good prices? any info is appreciated.

I used the search, but im looking for USP grade oils. I saw in a post that you know where to get USP grade oils such as cottonseed oil for $12 per gallon. Are you willing to share where you can get it for this price? Thanks

NYCEE said:
I used the search, but im looking for USP grade oils. I saw in a post that you know where to get USP grade oils such as cottonseed oil for $12 per gallon. Are you willing to share where you can get it for this price? Thanks


What oil do you suggest pb? (Looking for ther thinnest, least painful and adequate for higher conc gear.)
Drveejay11 said:
What oil do you suggest pb? (Looking for ther thinnest, least painful and adequate for higher conc gear.)

Im looking for an oil with the same qualities as above. What do you suggest? Thanks

deadlift says he likes walnut. it is very thin and held enan at 500mg/ml. i think he used 1% ba as a preservative. maybe he'll tune in. grapeseed oil works well and is extrememly healthy to injest. i like it orally just for its health benenfits. potent antioxident and used to treat some forms of cancer. sesame seed works well but is a little thicker. the thicker the carrier is the more stable the solution will be. cant go wrong with any of these. (i havent used walnut but i am confident that the poster is correct on this one)
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I am using Sesame and its pretty thick, I am just too lazy to warm it every time.
I will be trying Deadlifts rec walnut oil once I hear that all is going well..
pullinbig said:
deadlift says he likes walnut. it is very thin and held enan at 500mg/ml. i think he used 1% ba as a preservative. maybe he'll tune in. grapeseed oil works well and is extrememly healthy to injest.

Thanks PB. I liked the idea originally however I ran across a thread at SBI that grapeseen oil hurts like a bitch!!! ODD, because if it's thinner, one would reason the opposite :confused:

Well, that's kinda a weird point about the grapeseed oil hurting. Didn't find that, my enanthate 500mg/ml hurt a bit, but the 400mg/ml deca didn't. I would imagine it was just the horomone. Now to the walnut oil, I got some refined walnut oil at a health store and it is great. It held my 500mg/ml enanthate at 1 or 2% BA, forget what I used, but I doubt I needed any of it. Also, I used 3% BA to make 100mg/ml tren acetate with it. The tren will DRAW with a 25g pin. Not too slow either. That's pretty damn good for oil, the grapeseed oil would probably take 10minutes to draw up with a 25g and it is fairly thin itslef. The two oils also have a similar color.
Great info! So youve had great success with the walnut oil? I guess ill give that a shot. Thanks
pullinbig said:
I always draw with a 18 or 20g then trade to the pin i am going to use for IM.

Same here.

I just ordered a bunch of grapeseed and walnut oil ill give them a shot. I was wondering about allergies, if someone is allergic to nuts, woulsnt they get a severe allergy from injecting test made with walnut oil? I dont suffer from any allergies, i just hope none of my boys do, cause ill be brewing theirs.
allergic to nuts. that would be bad. break out from touching them. how would you wash um? i mean you gotta keep the boys clean and smellin fresh, just in case pam anderson and carmen electra come lookin ya.
i am unsure if there are compounds in the oil that cause the allergic reaction to nuts for those people who are allergic to them, my guess is it would vary among the type of nut used? to be on the safe side, i would just steer clear of em
Ya, I always have 18g pins for drawing, just saying that it is thin enought to draw with a 25g, never been able to do that before.