cheat meal or cheat day?

Depends how badly it effects you, if I am watching my bodyfat I have a cheat meal and it must remain 3k calories or less.

If I am bulking and making awesome gains (good cycle) and not putting on fat during that time I may allow more slop. Right now I have 2 donuts a day and do great.
I only allow myself one meal a week to cheat, but then again I'm trying to lose bf... I used to do a cheat day, but I think I love food too much and just couldn't control myself, so I would get/feel all fat and would just have to work twice as hard on Monday. But that's just me, I love food...
I'd say a carbup where you absolutely stuff your face full of carbs once a week could be good if you have trouble gaining mass. If you gain fat easily, it probably isn't a great idea while bulking.
Kinda depends on your goals at the time.

When I'm really trying to cut fat or diet? One meal. Just some simple carbs like pasta or something. I think it kinda shocks my metabolism into "go mode" again.

Most of the time I do my best to maintain a resonable diet. One that's healthy for me and enjoyable at the same time. I don't have room for the junk food in my daily life or diet but every once in awhile don't ya just HAVE to have some chips!
I am kinda like ducky in that sense. I dont plan cheat days anymore period.

What happens is I stay as clean as possible and if I happen to have a chocalte bar and a couple of pizzas fall in my mouth it happens, just not all the time

If I was cutting up I would not have a cheat day nor meal depending on how much I had to lose and would only do it as a meal when I could not take it anymore.

Unless your competing in a few months you gotta live a little
If you're bulking and have gotten all your "clean food" in for the day and you still want something, EAT IT! Hell, you are bulking after all. So get bulky and enjoy it while it lasts. I know I am....
i cheat all the time. it's great and i gained 40 pounds in 2 months. I'm planning to cut down my bodyfat to 15% by next May. I should be around 260 lbs at that time.