Check my diet out! Is your body sensitive to carbs?


New member
So i started my cycle a week ago and along with i higher the intake of calories on my diet, this is how i aproximately i look like and how i feel with the nutrients.

Gear: Test E 250 / 500 mg a week for 10 weeks.

Age: 24

Weight: 187

High: 5.10

Bf% 13

Since i do an sport that requires me to be flexible, fast, not necesary light but in a good body shape i decided to go up to 210 or 215 pounds of weight, im highring the amount of protein, carbs and good fat to my diet but i have a problem, long time ago i noticed that my body y SUPER sensitive to carbs, with only one week of highring carbs i lost most of my definition but i gained muscle with water. I wonder if i should just lower the amount of carbs or only use carbs at wake up time and after work out time. Heres an example of calorie intake.

Wake up time. Meal one

Essential aminoacids drink

7 white eggs 1 whole= 8
2 pieces of whole wheat bread with half of avovado
Animal pack multivitamin

One hour later hit the gym/ Post work out
Meal 2
2 scoops of wey protein 57G + 1/2 scoop of oatmeal with half of a banana.

Meal 3*

1 big chicken breast
1 medium sweet potatoe
1 coop of veggies
Half of avocado

Meal 4/ after teaching a fitness class

24g of protein powder

Meal 5/ before go to bed.

Chicken soup with veggies or 8 white scrumbele eggs

And got to sleep.

1 *1/2 of water daily.

What do you guys think?
subscribed. sounds like we have the same issues. im almost a carbon copy of your size and goals. along with being carb sensitive good luck bro and keep us updated.
This is my second week and with just adding a few more carbs and increasing the amount of protein i gained 5 pounds, i feel like test kicked in in less than 2 weeks. I feel super strong when i train, first week was hard, the liquid arimidex mess me up and i think the effect of the test made me feel sensitive to everything no homo lol. Tomorrow is my last shoot of my second week...lets see how far i can get.
ask 3j bro, i think ur eating to many carbs period . U should be rotating ur carb intake the very least . ciau