CJC 1295 (with DAC) + GHRP2


New member
Hi Guys,

Been lurking these forums for a long time now, finally decided to register and ask a question. :)

I have 3 vials of CJC 1295 W/DAC and 3 Vials of GHRP2. I would have preferred to have Mod GRF 1-29 (CJC w/o DAC) but I could not get it at the time. I understand the difference in terms of GH secretion (8 days continuous for CJC 1295 vs 30 min pulse etc...)

From my understanding, a regular dosage of CJC is 2mg / week (which is one whole vial in my case). My question is, what would happen if I dossed the CJC with dac in the same way one would dose CJC w/o DAC? That is, 100mcg of CJC 2-3 times per day together with the same dosage of GHRP 2?

Would the effects be similar to taking the same dose of CJC W/O DAC? Or are the two products completely different?

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but the reason i ask is that if the effects are similar or close, then I would rather do this and make it last a few weeks until I am able to get CJC w/o dac.

edit: I just realized I posted in the wrong forum. This was meant to be posted under Peptide Science. Could an admin please movie it? Or shall I re-post? I don't have the option to delete. Apologies.
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I believe the cjc with dac causes gh bleed and the pulsing is totally different than mod grf. I'm not too educated on cjc with dac though... I've seen logs and guys usually take several large doses equating to 2 mg every week because of the long half life of cjc. I wouldn't run it like mod grf ... You should get some mod next time it's not hard to find. And it's usually cheaper.
I believe the cjc with dac causes gh bleed and the pulsing is totally different than mod grf. I'm not too educated on cjc with dac though... I've seen logs and guys usually take several large doses equating to 2 mg every week because of the long half life of cjc. I wouldn't run it like mod grf ... You should get some mod next time it's not hard to find. And it's usually cheaper.

Thanks for the reply 2jz.

Yeah I was just thinking that maybe at the instant it is injected, it would have the same effect as mod grf, except with a longer half life but that's probably not true...Next time I'll definitely try to get mod grf, it's just a bit hard ordering things like this in AU with our customs.
I've been using CJC nodac/GHRP6 for a while now.
I've found the best way to use them is twice daily injections of 100mcg each, you can do 3 a day if you really want (8 hours apart), but with the whole GH pulsing thing and the half life of these compounds I find, twice a day is plenty.

The half life of CJC 1295 is a ton longer than that of GHRP-6, so you can dose the CJC once a day or eod in much higher doses if you want, like 400-500mcg eod. I still like twice a day though.

The body is usually saturated with ghrp-6 at around 100mcg, dosing anything larger than that is kindof a waste. Although I have done 200mcg doses a few times and I get a much more noticable hunger spike...Even then, 100mcg at a time is plenty for your body.

Dose them 12 hours apart for good coverage, first one as soon as I wake up in the morning, and second one 12 hours later. And remember to never ingest food ~30 minutes before or after doses. I buy them in vials, and recon the powder 2:1 ratio (2mg peptide to 1ml bac water) which makes for simple 5 unit doses.

And because of more of the stuff I've read lately about half lives and pituitary pulsing, I've also thought about doing this:
ghrp-6 3 times a day @ 100mcg
CJC-1295 nodac eod @ 500mcg

But what I do now combined with Insulin I've seen awesome results when I'm not on cycle, which is most of the time.
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