Clen Or DNP To Shred Bodyfat In Belly Area?


New member
So I spent sometime going thru the forums search on DNP but couldnt find exactly what I was wondering so what I want to do is drop %6 of bodyfat from current 12 to 14% as doing a bulk cycle has left my abs gone and bad pouch at belly. I'm not really wanting to lose weight as I dont want to lose muscle and all the topics I read were about weight loss and not bodyfat.

Currently I'm working out weights 1 day on 1 day off with my off day doing HIIT on spinbike for 12 minutes at 20 seconds on 40 seconds off then skipping rope at different paces for another 15. I have cut my diet to low carbs and adding steamed veggies with my chicken breasts and switching from skim milk in shakes and coffee to almond milk in shakes and coffee whitener in coffee. I just played ballhockey today for two hours and hoping for two games a week as thats best cardio there is.

I was just gonna do clen with one day on one day off for three weeks using the clen on weight day and not cardio but after catching a topic of DNP and reading the sticky about it I was interested in wondering if I take the low dose of 200mg for 30 days what percentage of bodyfat loss should I average? Thanks.
Clen one day on, one day off is not the way to go here. You want to run it for two weeks on, and then two weeks off.

You're not going to be able to do the HIIT/cardio stuff you're talking about on DNP, and DNP is a poison. I just don't like it for that reason, but I've never taken it. Check out Joei's DNP log here:

He seems to have had reasonably good results. But I would caution you: you can't "spot-burn" fat around your stomach. It's going to be an all-over process, and you have to do that with diet (running a calorie deficit). There's no magic pill to burn fat. Yet.
DNP seems more for competitors wanting to lose last fat before a competition and seems really lazy.

I've run clen before and know that doing HIIT it feels like your heart is going to explode so rather then run 2 on 1 off for two weeks go 1 on 1 off for three weeks.
Anavar sheds the gut, scientific fact. Clen might give you a heart attack.

you're not going to have a heart attack from clen unless you take stupidly high dosages or have existing heart problems.

that said, be smart about it and don't take clen and then try really intense HIIT.

I personally like EC.
you're not going to have a heart attack from clen unless you take stupidly high dosages or have existing heart problems.

that said, be smart about it and don't take clen and then try really intense HIIT.

I personally like EC.

You could take a handful of Anavar and not have a heart attack. Clen is a loaded weapon. Google clen heart attack. Many amateur bodybuilders have had symptoms of a "cocaine" heart attack from clen. Some even from the first dose.

A 20 mg daily dose of Anavar for 12 weeks will shed trunk fat EVEN while INACTIVE.

Oxandrolone as a slimming aid
Personally, DNP is totally unnecessary. I have run DNP before and I didn't like the way I felt on it, and it is just that, poison. There are far better fat loss aids out there. Of course, the best is diet, however, if you are wanting to lose weight, I would do some T3 and see how you do. Yes a lot of people lose weight on DNP, however, a lot of that weight is water weight because you are sweating so damn much on it. Once I got off of it my water weight increased and I didn't look as cut. Bottom line is that DNP is poison and one of the worst shit you can take IMO. Yeah, you can lose a pound a day on DNP, but good luck running that shit for long.
You could take a handful of Ana Anavar (var) and not have a heart attack. Clen is a loaded weapon. Google clen heart attack. Many amateur bodybuilders have had symptoms of a "cocaine" heart attack from clen. Some even from the first dose.

A 20 mg daily dose of Ana Anavar (var) for 12 weeks will shed trunk fat EVEN while INACTIVE.

Oxandrolone as a slimming aid

I believe the 20 week study of 300mg/600mg test yielded similar results in terms of fat loss.

Don't get me wrong, if cost weren't an issue I'd probably choose Anavar (var) over
clen (preferably at a dose higher than 20mg - that's pretty low unless you're a girl, regardless of what the study says). However, Anavar (var) is pretty expensive and it is hormonal. If you don't mind paying the price and are moderately healthy (no major cholesterol issues, havent ran orals for a while) then go with Anavar (var) or something stronger.

Still feel like you're demonizing clen for no reason and not sure why you're so sold on Anavar (var) . The thread you're talking about - the guy started at 120 mcg without tapering up. That's not using it responsibly. Cocaine heart attack? Wtf is that?