clen shakes


Community Veteran
my first time using clen. how the fuck do you guys cope with the shakes. gives me an uneasy feeling. i will run it for 2 weeks to see if i can get use to it but dont like it so far.
yeh make sure you start out slow and then increase and never take them all at once.

day 1- 1 pill
day2- 2 pills
day 3- 3 pills
and so on till you hit a comfortable range. it is diff for everyone. usually 4-8 for a guy.

best results for me are 2 weeks on 2weeks off
I was shaking so bad last year, took Mom out for mothers day and couldn't keep the food from falling off my fork. My GF noticed and was pissed, i just kept laughing at myself.
funny shit greasy greek

as for the brand i am not sure. i was up to 5 yesterday back down to 4 today and felt better. some shakes but not as bad as yesterday
was shaking so bad last year, took Mom out for mothers day and couldn't keep the food from falling off my fork. My GF noticed and was pissed, i just kept laughing at myself.

Dude I think that might have been crack.
I just started my third week and most of the nasty sides that occured during the first week are gone...I shake very little now!