Clen with keto question


New member
So I'm a bit after my cycle, more like 2 months. So I'm wishing to star cutting some of the fat I gained from my cycle. Hopefully 10-15 lbs over the course of a few months. Anyways I picked up some RUI Clen and Ketotifen that I wanted to use maybe in the next month, I want to first establish a decent cutting process before I add in this stuff. I'm going to take a slow cut, to try and preserve the muscle I've gained, so maybe a 300 deficit. Anyways anyways, I had a few questions.

1) I hear Clen is possibly Anti-Catabolic the first 2 weeks of cycling it, thats why they recommend 2 weeks on etc. Now of course if you wish to run it longer you need to add the ketotifen in. With the ketotifen added does that make the Anti-Catabolic nature last longer? Or is it still just the first two weeks?

2) Now if it is still just the first two weeks I may not run it longer then 2 weeks, and just do 2-3 cycles of 2 weeks on. Which brings me to the next question, I hear Ketotifen makes it where you don't have to dose Clen as high to receive the results, I believe I read it doubles the dosage your in taking. So what If for the 2 weeks, I just added the ketotifen in making the dosage higher then im in taking. Would that possibly work?

3) Lastly I was of course going to do a high protein diet during my cutting phase to try and preserve the most LBM that I can, but should you do high carb diet or any specific dieting?
Clen isn't biased on what it burns. It will burn both muscle and fat which is why people say if you wanna lose all your gains run clen right after your cycle. 2 months, idk I don't have enough experience to answer that and everyone is different. However with adding keto, that eliminates the need to run clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. If you are taking keto you will take clen every week for however long. Onc you stop taking keto, you need to cycle the clen every 2 weeks.
Clen is def muscle doubt. The 2 on 2 off is to avoid receptor (b2) down regulation - not to "keep it anabolic". The keto will allow you to run it continuously at rsonable dose and still get fat burning results. Hope that helps. Best of luck,