

Fat Boy
I've been considering taking clenbuterol for awhile now. I'm 5'10 265. about 40% BF. I use to be alot thinner and this is the only way i can see getting back to that quickly. I only plan on doing about one cycle because 1. I don't want to strain my body too much and 2. I heard that after awhile it stops working all that well. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice on taking it. Such as the type, what it looks like, how much to take, and how to take it. that would be hella badass. lol.
Coming from a guy who used to be 30+%. you would be surprised how much weight you will lose in the first two weeks just by diet and exercise. I'll be honest this forum is gonna tell you do diet and exercise and maybe laugh at your question. But in all reality I would diet for a few months and when the weight isnt coming of as fast as youd like, do the clen then. But get your diet down first then do the clen.
And heres why, too much fat loss to quick will give you stretchy, saggy skin. There are protocols to follow like you planned, but understand that there was a reason why it was banned. Your heart and lungs may not be ready for that. Especially at 40%. Are you currently trainin and whats your routine and diet like. 3J can get you goin in the diet section.
If your diet and training arnt in check clen wont do anything. I wasted almost a whole cycle of clen because I didnt change anything. See 3J in the diet section and start doing cardio 4-5 times a week.
I would hit the diet and exercise right now, give that a few months then once you start to slow down, jump start the weight loss with the thermogenics like clen, albuterol or t3.
Clen isn't all that and a bag of chips, especially where you're at right now. Diet and exercise, like said above. At your stage nothing is going to come quick even if you went straight to DNP. Do it nice and healthy, and enjoy improving on the way down.