Clomid Only PCT with AI on cycle?


New member
I was wondering if I would be fine with taking clomid only for PCT. I was going to run nova but i added an AI on cycle so I changed my mind to clomid...good idea?
I was wondering if I would be fine with taking clomid only for PCT. I was going to run nova but i added an AI on cycle so I changed my mind to clomid...good idea?

why ? is money tight or something , I mean its your PCT the most important part of your cycle, why not run the best possible pct you can
Clomid increases estradiol. Run nolva only

Clomid promotes testosterone production ,, yes, testosterone aromatizes (thats how we males make estrogen , which is needed) and thus can increase estradiol ,, BUT isn't that the damn point of pct in the first place (to promote natural test production)