collagen synthesis cycle


New member
My goal with this cycle is to help my joints feel better! With some gains on the side lol I have done some bulking cycles gaining 25+ lbs which is always a good time :-) but I would like to try something different less gains is fine with me as long as this is actually helping collagen synthesis! I have done a shit load of reasearch and have come up with the following! Some professional input would be greatly appreciated

Week 1-14 * 600mg Equipoise
Week 1-14 * 200mg Testosterone Enanthate
Week 1-14 * *250iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) E4D
Week1-16 (ending 4 days before SERM treatment) 500iu ED
Week 16-20 * 50mg Clomid ED
Week 1-20 * *12.5mg Aromasin ED
looks good. im gonna be running a similar cycle except im switching eq for deca. and will include igf1-lr3 in my post cycle therapy (pct). too bad you cant get quality hgh. thats the best one for collegen synthesis.
I'll find some HGH and set something up for next year hopefully!! I have a buddy who did a eq based cycle and had some good things to say about it!! He did have some libido problems after. but I think the set up I have should help me stay away from that
It seems the only way to get some advise is to be an idiot and ask foolish questions!
This guy I know told me to inject the gear in to my testicle should I? Haha I'm kidding please don't reply to that just my above post
Also I was also thinking of cutting my aromasin to 6.25 does any one have anything to say? I have some estrogen problems once before but I didn't run any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) through out!
ai's can make your joints hurt so cutting it down might be a good idea. but if you have to up the dose just do it.
Someone posted that I stop the eq before I stop the test e so I did some reading and sure enough in the steroid profiles the last place I looked ha ha test e wait 2 weeks for pct eq wait 3 weeks for post cycle therapy (pct). I have never done this I know this has been mentioned a thousand times and is kind of a grey area but any feed back would be awesome!!

Week 1-13 600mg Equipoise
Week 1-14 200mg Testosterone enanthate
Week 1-14 250iu HCG E4D
Week 14-16 500iu HCG ED (ending 4 days before SERM treatment)
Week 16-20 50mg clomid ED
Week 1-16 6.25mg Aromasin ED (more if needed)