College Kid Diet


New member
All right, here's my situation..

I live on campus and mainly eat cafeteria food, but I live right down the road from a Super Wal-Mart. I'm currently taking M1T, NOX3, a creatine powder, and protein powder. I'm 5'6'', maybe 5'7"... 167 lbs, maybe a few pounds more. I've got a decent amount of mass on me for my build. I work out atleast 3 times a week, heavy weight. Max on bench was 230 lbs as of 2 days ago. I have baseball practice everyday at 2 pm, I get plenty of cardio, but I know I have a little more BF than I'd like. What are some suggestions on a diet that I could start that would bulk me up some, but at the same time not gain more fat? Is this even possible? If not, what would be the right path for me to take? Any response is appreciated...
its hard to gain bulk up and lose fat-its highly unlikely unless you have great genes. get your bf down real low by watching your diet, and doing cardio. then work from there while eating in bulk and exercising accordingly. Do you know what your bf percentage is right now?
I don't know it exactly, but I really don't think it's that high..I want to bulk up a little, but not so much as to where you can't see my gains..I want to be defined, but getting bigger at the same time if that makes sense. Despite all of that, what would be a nice diet for someone like me? I have a George Foreman and a skillet...
if your in college and have no time YES

I would say

complex carbs (wheat bread etc)
and glutamine peptides wuold be you best bets
im 5'6" and weigh 195 relatively low bf % and never done a creatine or prohormone... i dont buy into the legal stuff its all a scam or water weight.. and never done a roid.. your height should allow you to blow up or atleast appear that way cause you have shorter ligaments.. my buddy is 6 foot and gained like ten pounds and if i gain 1 i still lok like i gained more than him... what you should do is train your ass off overtrain overeat overcardio.. get my drift and then every 5 weeks take a week off from lifting but not cardio and you should notice decent gains atleast it worked for me...heres a sample of my food
morn (8am) 4-7 eggs (use pam not butter)
noon 3/4 lb of chicken salad with a slices of turkey (just plain no bread or mustard etc.)
dinner either 7 meatballs lightly sauced or 3 cans of tuna
and if you get hungry thorugout the day drink a big glass of milk (preferably skim)

... you should be able to put on weight and it wont be fat..
When I was in school it was tough to diet because of very little free time and the tight cash situation. Cafeteria there didnt have best selection. But a cheap way for me was I always had a couple loafs of wheat bread around and shelves full of tuna. Held me over enough so I didnt eat a bunch of the cafeteria crap.

You say you got a Foreman grill. I love mine. Some chicken breast or ground turkey patties on that is quick. Got a microwave? Get some Boil in bag Brown rice, nuke it for 5 minutes and mix it together with the chicken, turkey patties or tuna, add some hot sauce and you're done. Its cheap and easy. Good carb and protein source.
And the mainly tuna/chicken/turkey/ diet won't just bulk me up with unwanted fat will it? I work out hard, and do alot of cardio, but I guess I haven't been doing the cardio long enough, because I need to get rid of a little excess body fat in order to cut me a lil bit more...but I still want to bulk. So the tuna/chicken/turkey on wheat should do the trick?
Tuna, chicken, turkey are simply very good lean protein sources bro. You can get fat on any food if you take in too much of it. Just have to be sensible about it. But as far as tuna/chicken/turkey on wheat doing the "trick"? It will help. They are very good food choices for any healthy diet. Just got to dial in your for your needs.
Eat Alot Of Pussy I Mean Tuna And Watch What You Eat That Will Work Out For Ya. I Just Got Out Of School I Know What You Are Going Through Its Hard.
Hun, it's very hard to bulk and cut at the same time. My suggestion would be just to keep your diet as clean as possible, train hard, and see what happens.

Okay. You have a Foreman grill. That's a good start. Gotta stay out of that cafeteria though. Man! They serve some junk!

Turkey burgers, chicken breasts (I know y'all are on a lean budget), even lean beef patties.

Might I suggest a small crock pot. Great for cooking veggies and boiling eggs. Both very inexpensive. You can get one for 12 - 15 dollars big enough for your needs.

A toaster oven is great for tuna pockets and such.

Gotta get creative. If you need more ideas just ask.
Not really a diet topic, but just as important, IMO. You say you're running M1T, so what kind of post cycle therapy (pct) do you have planned (and on hand)??

And I'm not trying to play father figure or coach, but you do understand that should you be piss tested as you are a collegiate baseball player, the M1T will increase the Test/Epitest ratio similarly to 'real' AAS, which can lead to a positive test and suspension from competition for a calendar year, right?

But I know I'm preaching to the choir here..........
We've already had our piss test...once a I'm in the clear, and I'm currently thinking about a real cycle...
if your 5'6-5'7 i wouldnt recommend a "real" cycle. also.. im in college at univerity of houston, i live on campus too. i know how hard it is to try and eat right. the best thing to do is not eat in the cafeteria or make friends with the people behind the counter so they can hook you up with what you need. honestly what i do is i go to the store and buy like a week or 2 worth of stuff i can eat. sometimes if im on campus and im starving, ill cheat but... other than that there isnt much you can do.