coming back on test after 2 weeks


New member
Ok, this is probably a first but Im posting in here since Im getting no views in anabolic forum. Anyway, I have been on test cyp for 12 weeks and started eq during my 9th week. Currently on my 14th week. The thing is I decided to extend my cycle so I didnt have enough test, been off for 1 1/2-2 weeks now. Anyway I just got my powder and made my home brew last night. I seem to feel a little differance being off test 2 weeks and only on eq. My question is how long would it be before I really started to feel it again? Im still on cyp and the dose is reasonably higher since 400mg wasnt doing shit for me. Is it still in my system? I really hope I dont have to wait another 5-6 weeks again to feel it.
Last time I ran out of test for a couple of weeks it took at least 10 days for me to get back to where I was. Since that "miscalculation" i have been storing up propionate and TNE so that I can get a quick kick start until the cypionate takes full hold.

You should notice a little change in about 4 days, best to split your injects to every 4 days until you get back to levels.

P.S. According to my doc it can take up to 4 weeks for cypionate to stabilize levels in the bloodstream.
I would think that it won't take too long to feel the test. You should still have some test in your system.

Do you have any prop? Maybe you can run that for a week or so.
have you seen the half life of cyp. its still in you if you only been off 1 1/2 weeks. for cyp and enan it takes about three weeks to completely kick in. in other words when you really see the diff at the gym.

as the previuos poster stated if you are impatient prop or Tne will get you there quicker. hell so will dbol or anadrol or halo or tren or Winstrol (winny) or dros or ................
well on EQ right now, just got back on test. Not sure but want to brew up some Winstrol (winny) or tren. Dont know which to get. I also have a bottle of masteron sitting around which I was planning on using in the last few weeks of my cycle. Would there be any point in running it now?
yeah go ahead and do the dros. tren and Winstrol (winny) stack very well together too. do all of them lololololol. i do.
Bimmer said:
your saying it would be better for me to run the dros now instead if the last few weeks?

nooooooo....... you can run it whenever you want. if you looking a kick though dros will do it as it has a prop ester.