Coming off cycle. (A little apprehensive)


New member
So just looking for a few tips here, i'm currently on my 10th week of Test E cycle. Finishing in 3 weeks, this is my first cycle and i'm very pleased with the results of 20ibs so far. I have been running 580mg per week and started pinning Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in week 3 at 600iu per week. I have also been taking adex at .25 EOD and havn't had any estrogen related sides atall. Been feeling great with the test and a little apprehensive about coming off. Few questions...
.Am planning to run a nolva/clomid pct at 100/50/50/50 and 40/20/20/20, is this suitable for this kind of cycle? (2 weeks after last test pin)
.When should I discontinue use of my AI?
.When should my last Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) pin be?
.Should I expect low energy/ depression to set in before/during PCT?
.I raised my calorie surpulus by about 500 throughout this cycle to roughly 3800 and have not gained any noticable bodyfat, My usual lean bulk is at about 3300. Should I keep this the same after my last pin?

Just a little worried I will lose all my gains and not really sure how to approach my training and nutrition after the cycle is finished, would appreciate any input from those with experience on these forums, cheers!
Clomid you can just take at 50mg ED for the 4 weeks. Nolva you should do 40/40/20/20. That's the standard.

Continue your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) until the day before the start of PCT and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) until your last pin.

If you want to keep most of your gain people usually up their intake during PCT by 500 calories. This of course varies from person to person.

Also why no add another 2 weeks to your cycle?
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Got the nolva/clomid doses the wrong way round so i'm assuming you did too haha. Okay... So Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is no use after last test pin atall? I'll see how much test, I have left, potentially another week could be added I suppose!
lol I didn't notice until you pointed it out. Well Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) would've been better if you started from your first pin. Some people use while on cycle and others do a blast of it pre-pct. There's a big debate about it, but I think it's best to use while on cycle, and since you started it while on cycle you might as well finish it as if you had started from day 1.
Yeh I had serious delivery issues with the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), but was told not to start it till week 2 anyway. Okay cool, that makes sense then, cheers!
No problem man, and hope you have a good post cycle therapy (pct). Remember to have your blood work done too.
Nolva you can just take at 50mg ED for the 4 weeks. Clomid you should do 40/40/20/20. That's the standard.

I would have to begg a differ on those dosages..40/40/20/20 is not standard for Clomid at all, That is a standard dosage for Nolvadex. Whereas clomid standard would be along the lines of 75/50/50/50.

In my opinion iricci, I would go NOLVA: 40/40/20/20
CLOMID: 75/50/50/50

As far as trying to maximize keeping your gains post cycle, as krugger said increase calories, and lower your training volume * a little* .
I would have to begg a differ on those dosages..40/40/20/20 is not standard for Clomid at all, That is a standard dosage for Nolvadex. Whereas clomid standard would be along the lines of 75/50/50/50.

In my opinion iricci, I would go NOLVA: 40/40/20/20
CLOMID: 75/50/50/50

As far as trying to maximize keeping your gains post cycle, as krugger said increase calories, and lower your training volume * a little* .

I noticed that he wrote it incorrectly and in turn I wrote it without thinking. If you look two post further down you'll see that he and I both noticed it afterwards.
I noticed that he wrote it incorrectly and in turn I wrote it without thinking. If you look two post further down you'll see that he and I both noticed it afterwards.

Ah, didn't noticed that, glad you were able to catch the mistake :D
I just read in a few threads that Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) can be taken optimially at 500-600 iu per week right up to 4 days before pct, So I guess I should do that as I have enough?