Comments on test p only


New member
25yrs old, 6'' tall, 200lbs at about 12-15%bf right now. this is my third cycle (been 1 year off aas). Im looking to lean out and gain some lean muscle for the summer. I am very good with diet and will be lowering cals on cycle (diet mainly chicken, fish, eggs, some red meats - sweet potatoe, brown rice - green veggies - almonds, fish oil)

proposed cycle:
w 1-10 Test p @ 100eod
w 1-10 Arimidex @ .25mg eod
post cycle therapy (pct):
w 11-14 nolva 40/30/20/20
w ?-? Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ?? (i have 5000iu)

I was going to cycle Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout my cycle but now I think im going to use it in post cycle therapy (pct). I want to keep my cycle as simple as possible and see how i react to the test only. Also Arimidex is kept at a lose dose to begin with because again, i will see how i react. If i need to combat estro signs i will up the dosage to .5eod, etc.
Iv used nolva for my post cycle therapy (pct) before and never had any problems, i will not be incorporating clomid.

What do you guys think? Im not looking for tones of size, just cut up and gain some quality muscle/strength.
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Hcg during cycle not on pct then Blast 500 iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) everyday for 10 days before starting ur pct..

DO NOT Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ON PCT
my third actually, like i mentioned up top if you read my post. first one was low dose of test (sust 250 e5d), second 12 weeks of test e 400mg/week and last 5 weeks 50mg of anavar. I got bad acne on my back and it all started when i used the var. bacne from anavar isnt common but i swear thats what it was from.
Iv never ran an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) so i just wanted opinions and comments.