Competing in 2 weeks! Anavar related question.


New member

I am competing in 3 weeks (Figure) and I am ready to compete now. I was on var ED for 6 weeks at 10 mg per day and did not expect to get this lean this fast.

Now I am starting to notice my voice cracking and I am itching to get off. However I don't want to lose the hardness and the lean look that I have now. Do you think I can drop it to 5 or even 2.5 mg per day and ramp it up to 10 couple days before comp day? Should I just come off?

This is my 3rd cycle. First one was at 5mg ED for 6 weeks, second at 7.5 mg ED 6 weeks. My vocal cords got thicker both times but went back to normal. But this cycle is longer and higher dose so I'm worried it won't go back.

Another question: what should I expect after my comp? If my diet and training is perfect, would I stay this lean or would I start gaining fat? I will be reverse dieting after comp.

Thanks for your help!
I know it's virilization. I dropped the dose to 5 and my voice is back to normal, but I caught a cold & fever right after, and my throat is sore. My lymph nodes in my throat are swollen and I think my adam's apple is more prominent now. I am worried about enlarging my adams apple. Does it go back to normal? Am I just being paranoid? Is it possible it's more prominent because I am so lean?
You should be ablecto drop it & stay hard. Figure is changing, the look is very full, no striations with muscle separation. Stop it unless u want to build a pro career that pays u a generous income. The effects will stay after u go off. U still have water to pull & peak. You will be great.
I don't know if you already competed, or when you posted. but the hardness from var will not go away if you drop it and go into peak. also, you have to watch, because figure's look has changed. it's less striations now, with very full muscles, that have separation only. in prior years striations were favored...not anymore, you can see that by looking at who is winning the pro shows.

I went off var over a week ago, am NOT dieting down, and wake up pumped every day so far. tremendous pumps in the gym from 10mcg. I ran it a short cycle and responded tremendously. I wanted a specific look, so I watched it and once I hit the look, I dropped it.

unless you want to make a generous income as a pro, I would not risk having a big adam's apple, or deep voice. but everybody has to decide what they're after.