Complete post cycle therapy (pct) from Primordial Performance

whats up guys, im starting a cycle of some Test, im front loading 1000mgs then 250mg twice a week for 8 weeks, im thinking about nolva as my pct and i got an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for during, do you think ill b ok with just the Nolva..
whats up guys, im starting a cycle of some Test, im front loading 1000mgs then 250mg twice a week for 8 weeks, im thinking about nolva as my post cycle therapy (pct) and i got an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for during, do you think ill b ok with just the Nolva..

You will probably be ok with just the nolva, but the TRS will help you recovery faster, kick your sex drive back in, and allow you to feel 100% better.

should i extend my PCT to 8 weeks instead of 4 weeks like its says on the post since im running a 16 week cycle? and i also read on another forum that i should start toco-8 4 weeks prior to PCT until the end of my PCT since it lasts 60 days, any input on this? thanks
should i extend my PCT to 8 weeks instead of 4 weeks like its says on the post since im running a 16 week cycle? and i also read on another forum that i should start toco-8 4 weeks prior to PCT until the end of my PCT since it lasts 60 days, any input on this? thanks

for a 16 weeks cycle you should add in some hcg. Toco can be used for the last month of the cycle along with pct.
thx for the response, i have been running 250iu E4D, ive just been trying to figure out when to stop using it since im running a cycle of prop, would u agree that i should stop running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 11 days before my last shot of prop?
thx for the response, i have been running 250iu E4D, ive just been trying to figure out when to stop using it since im running a cycle of prop, would u agree that i should stop running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 11 days before my last shot of prop?

That would work. You can start the TRS about 4 days after your last shot of prop.
im just curious as to why i should stop Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 2 weeks before AAS clearance and not 4 days since the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) would clear my system by then. wouldnt my natural test still be supressed if stopped Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and continued with prop for 11 days?
im just curious as to why i should stop Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 2 weeks before AAS clearance and not 4 days since the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) would clear my system by then. wouldnt my natural test still be supressed if stopped Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and continued with prop for 11 days?

it will increase the sensitivity of your testes once you stop, thus making post cycle therapy (pct) more effective.
this stack for something like anavar, or ot, or even hd only cycle, would be fine solo for pct.

but if you're going to be on longer, with higher dosages, and compounds that effect the hpta more strongly, I'd def recomend getting a serm to stack with it.

I've used the stack before, I really like the toco-8 and endoamp max.
sounds good what makes the endoamp effective? never really researched that supp?

this stack for something like anavar, or ot, or even hd only cycle, would be fine solo for pct.

but if you're going to be on longer, with higher dosages, and compounds that effect the hpta more strongly, I'd def recomend getting a serm to stack with it.

I've used the stack before, I really like the toco-8 and endoamp max.