Confused on how to implement Arimidex into a Sust250/Var Cycle?


New member
Hello, first post here but I have been lurking and learning for at least a year or two here! Quick stats 35 Years old, 6'2 227lbs currently at 12% BF have been able to drop as low as 8% and never above 15% been training since I was 15-16 years old and have numerous cycles under my belt, made my fair share of mistakes along the way too long before the internet! No post cycle therapy (pct), Anavar (var) only, 2 short of a cycle, too little test etc...

I have learned most of my lessons and luckily haven't paid to great of a cost in the end, regular blood work and physicals and its all good... Going to run Sust250 this time around for 12 weeks 500mg a week broken up into EOD shots, I have read countless threads on the debate between 2x a week every 3.5 days and EOD, I probably would be fine with the 3.5 days routine but pinning EOD doesn't bother me and from what I have read it might have some slight advantages, I am going to throw 50mgs of Anavar (var) in ED for the last six weeks, I have it, have used it in the past in really like the hardness and vascularity it brings out... I am tempted to only run it the last 3 weeks of pins and than the 3 weeks after before post cycle therapy (pct) the Sust250 is still in my system instead, but am leaning against it with logic there isn't going to be enough test in me those three weeks to fully exploit the Anavar (var), any thoughts?

Currently running and will continue to run 3 iu's of HGH forever or at least as long as I can afford it! Will also implement Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 250x2 times a week throughout the cycle, I have always just run it straight through my cycles but came across a few arguments that it might be a good idea to take a week off once the first 5,000 iu's are gone, not sure and am open to suggestions? Standard Nova/Clomid post cycle therapy (pct) 3 weeks after last Pin, the combo has always worked for me...

Implementing Arimidex is where I get very confused!!! I have found the older I get the more prone to Gyno and Bloat on cycle I have become, not sure if that is a common trait... I have read way too many different dosing protocols from person to person, Some say .5mgs ED from start to finish, some .25mgs, others say .5mgs EOD and others say E3D???? To top it off I have read a few threads that have said with Sust250 and Anavar (var) it isn't going to be an issue and just keep it on hand until the bloat and or itchy nipples kick in than use it at .5mgs a day... I really thinking for peace of mind I would like to run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout this cycle, jut not sure how! Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
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I really hate to be a grammar nazi, but if you want replies - PLEASE break up your wall of text into paragraphs. It's much easier to read and to respond to. :p

Hello, first post here but I have been lurking and learning for at least a year or two here! Quick stats 35 Years old, 6'2 227lbs currently at 12% BF have been able to drop as low as 8% and never above 15% been training since I was 15-16 years old and have numerous cycles under my belt, made my fair share of mistakes along the way too long before the internet! No post cycle therapy (pct), Anavar (var) only, 2 short of a cycle, too little test etc...

I have learned most of my lessons and luckily haven't paid to great of a cost in the end, regular blood work and physicals and its all good... Going to run Sust250 this time around for 12 weeks 500mg a week broken up into EOD shots, I have read countless threads on the debate between 2x a week every 3.5 days and EOD, I probably would be fine with the 3.5 days routine but pinning EOD doesn't bother me and from what I have read it might have some slight advantages, I am going to throw 50mgs of Anavar (var) in ED for the last six weeks, I have it, have used it in the past in really like the hardness and vascularity it brings out...
I totally have done anavar as a tail in the last six weeks of a cycle and see no problems with what you have planned. To be honest, there is little difference between any of those pinning schedules other than convenience.
I am tempted to only run it the last 3 weeks of pins and than the 3 weeks after before post cycle therapy (pct) the Sust250 is still in my system instead, but am leaning against it with logic there isn't going to be enough test in me those three weeks to fully exploit the Anavar (var), any thoughts? Currently running and will continue to run 3 iu's of HGH forever or at least as long as I can afford it! Will also implement Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 250x2 times a week throughout the cycle, I have always just run it straight through my cycles but came across a few arguments that it might be a good idea to take a week off once the first 5,000 iu's are gone, not sure and am open to suggestions? Standard Nova/Clomid post cycle therapy (pct) 3 weeks after last Pin, the combo has always worked for me...
Run the Anavar (var) for a total of six COMPLETE weeks without a break. I wouldn't do it during post cycle therapy (pct), just during the last six weeks of pins and you should be fine. Granted, you will still have plenty of test running through your bloodstream for a good solid couple weeks after the last pin, but why take the chance? I'll leave the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) comments to someone else as that is something I don't really mess with as I have no desire to have more children and I'm used to my raisin-sized balls after 3.5 years of TRT. :p
Implementing Arimidex is where I get very confused!!! I have found the older I get the more prone to Gyno and Bloat on cycle I have become, not sure if that is a common trait... I have read way too many different dosing protocols from person to person, Some say .5mgs ED from start to finish, some .25mgs, others say .5mgs EOD and others say E3D???? To top it off I have read a few threads that have said with Sust250 and Anavar (var) it isn't going to be an issue and just keep it on hand until the bloat and or itchy nipples kick in than use it at .5mgs a day... I really thinking for peace of mind I would like to run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout this cycle, jut not sure how! Any ideas?

Thanks in advance
You'll want to start your adex at .25mg EOD and see how you do. If your nipples start to itch and get sore, then it's time to bump it up to .5mg or higher. If you start to get really achy joints and start to have boner problems, you can then drop the dose down to .125mg EOD or push that .25mg out to E3D. There really isn't a set protocol for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) as we all aromatize differently and have different sensitivities to estrogens. I know guys that have had their E2 as high as 500pg/ml and didn't have any signs or symptoms of high E2, while others start to blow up like a balloon at 40pg/ml! It all boils down to genetics and our predisposition to how hormones effect us on a physiological basis. I recommend a mid-cycle blood test at 5-6 weeks in just to get a snap-shot on how your body is doing as some symptoms of high E2 are not always apparent (or low E2 for that matter).

My .02c :)