Controlled Labs Orange OxiMega Now available at Orbits


New member
We just got this over at Orbit Nutrition, and ive got mine on the way. I cant wait to try this out. No fish burps will be great! I will let yall know how it goes as soon as mine comes in!

Controlled Labs Orange OxiMega Fish & Green Formula (1+ 1 Units)

Orange OxiMega: Fish & Greens Formula!

Controlled Labs Orange OxiMega Fish & Green Formula (1+ 1 Units)$38.99

Many people don’t realize the crucial effects that overall health supplements can play on their training. Without the essential nutrients your body needs to survive and flourish, it cannot build a strong foundation that is so crucial to lean mass gains. Orange OxiMega™ was designed to help you establish a strong, healthful, foundation on which to base your training, diet and supplementation. Coupled together with Orange TRIad™, you will have all of your overall health requirements exceeded including omegas, vitamins, minerals, fruit, vegetables, digestive support, immune support, joint support, and cardiovascular support.

Orange OxiMega™ is comprised of two products in every box. The first is a very high potency Nordic fish oil product that is 60% DHA/EPA. This is an extremely high level which allows for the overall consumption of less fat and cholesterol from your omega intake. Not only are these Nordic fish oil softgels a nutritional masterpiece, but they are enteric coated and citrus flavored so they smell/taste very good and you will not get any regurgitation (fish oil burps) that is common with cheaper more crude fish oil formulations. Our Nordic fish oil is also free from all contaminants and is molecularly protected with the inclusion of vitamin E so you can be assured of the utmost quality.

The second component of Orange OxiMega™ is a true sports greens product, which is the first of its kind. This is no ordinary greens product; it has additional complexes geared towards real athletes. The “Cardiovascular Complex” is full of nitrate donor vegetables, including a potent dose of red beet root, which have been shown to increase endurance, nitric oxide levels and cardiovascular health in exercising humans in a clinical setting. The key to these vegetables are the nitrates that are found in them and illicit this effect when they come in contact with the human tongue and GI tract. The enzyme, probiotic and anti-oxidant blends will help the body absorb and utilize the highest level of nutrients from your diet and supplementation for maximum results. Not only is this greens formulation healthful, but it tastes delicious too with its 100% naturally flavored spearmint without the use of any artificial sweeteners, flavors or colors (the product will mix a dark green/brown color due to the high level of red beet root in the formula).

120 Citrus Flavored Enteric Coated Softgels

Key Attributes:
Extremely High Potency EPA/DHA
Enteric Coated and Citrus Flavor (No Fish Burps!)
Free From Heavy Metals and Other Toxins
Vitamin E Fortified To Protect the Fish Oil
100% Nordic Fish Oils

318 Grams (0.70 Pounds) Spearmint Flavor

Key Attributes:
Great Spearmint Flavor
Natural Nitrate Donor Complex for Cardiovascular Health
NO Artificial Sweeteners, Flavors or Colors
Added Enzymes & Probiotics for Maximum Absorption
High in Natural Anti-Oxidants for Enhanced Performance

Establish a STRONG foundation for maximum gains in the GYM and in LIFE with Orange OxiMega™!

Ok for those with an interest in this product. I got my kit in and like a kid I busted the box open and started to try it right away.

Ive read reviews from other people on this product, and most of them were sponsored logs. Well like any good consumer I had my doubts about how a product with an ingredient list like "The Greens" has any chance of tasting good. I took a scoop of it and dropped it in 8oz water and it started turning brown and red and green, and I figured this is gonna be nasty.

Well I was pleantly surprised it had a nice minty taste. No earthy nonsense, no crappy aftertaste, and no choking it down. I could sip on this as a drink it is that good. It is far from a product that needs to be mixed in something to make it taste good.

Now onto the fish oil. Like "The Greens" and other health food products fish oil is notoriously NASTY! I cant say this smelled good, but the orange that has been added to the oximegas has made this bearable. I have a bottle of RPN Krill oil and when I compare them the krill oil smells like a bait shop and the Oximega smells good in comparison. Now 3 hrs since I have taken the fish oil, and not a hint of nasty fish burps.

While I wont really see results off of these products as they are general health. I have to say controlled labs has figured out how to make nasty tasting crap taste good.