Controlled Labs


New member
Does anyone know anything good or bad about the supplaments by this company?

Green Bulge, Red Acid, Blue Up, White Blood are the main ones I am looking at
i read some of them too......the only thing that i saw was the amount of water they suggest you drink and i was really surprised with the amount.....2-3 gallons
xbobx said:
i read some of them too......the only thing that i saw was the amount of water they suggest you drink and i was really surprised with the amount.....2-3 gallons
You don't need that much water with it. Just drink a bit more than your normal amount, maybe a cup or two more a day and you'll be fine.
Fuck ya. Green Buldge rocks, i got that stuff, love it. its inexpensive too. i was gona put up this same post.