Cost of diet


New member
How much a month on average do you usually spend to keep a solid diet going? I was getting a lot of good deals on chicken, beef, and turkey but never really kept track of how much I was spending.
kinda scared to track it the wife says my meals are around $100/week maybe another $50 when eating steaks
On food alone, I'm at around 80-100 bucks... I don't really go out to eat with the exception of chipotle... Damn chipotle...
On food alone, I'm at around 80-100 bucks... I don't really go out to eat with the exception of chipotle... Damn chipotle...

About 120 on food alone. (not including protein shakes) But Stop and Shop is no damn bargain either. And I only buy whole food. No junk. Good food cost money! It is crazy how much everything has gone up.....
I'm right Around were jm750 is at 3500/4000 cals a day
Can get pricey the question should be are you willing to pay the price , g/l
And btw really research the dieting and foods because if you just go out buying things without the proper Knowledge you will end up throwing away a lot of money and end up Disappointed with your results
plus get a good scale and weigh your food. 4 oz of cooked chicken is 24grams of protein. if you just eat a breast of chicken all willy nilly you could be eating 1 and a half servings... so you could have saved the half serving for the next meal instead of eating another breast of chicken which could be 1 and a half servings (you see where i am going with this)... the scale will save you $$$$
I marinate all my chicken (around 8 to 10 lbs at a time) in gallon zip lock bags....24 hours later they go in the oven at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes. let cool ..... cut up into smaller peices..... weight (8 oz) and throw it in a small zip lock , squeeze out as much air as i can then throw it in the freezer.
plus i only buy chicken when it goes on sale for 1.99 per pound.... then i buy 10lbs or so
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I too marinate all my chicken as well. I used to buy a lot of breast, but now I'm into eating the legs. I think the flavor is way better. I will have some of the skin but not all. I'm on a bulking cycle so I'm eating a lot each day. 4 oz aint gunna cut it for me.
4oz is just an example of what 24grams would be ... like i said later in the post i bag 8oz at a time which would be one of my serving. i try to keep my protein at 240/250 grams a day..... i weigh 230lb
Ok, I got ya. I missed that. I wrap my portion of chicken in tin foil. I have a toaster oven in my office. I throw that and my sweet potato in there. I think it is a lot better then microwaving it. Ppl in my office think I'm fucked up eating chicken everyday. LOL
plus get a good scale and weigh your food. 4 oz of cooked chicken is 24grams of protein. if you just eat a breast of chicken all willy nilly you could be eating 1 and a half servings... so you could have saved the half serving for the next meal instead of eating another breast of chicken which could be 1 and a half servings (you see where i am going with this)... the scale will save you $$$$
I marinate all my chicken (around 8 to 10 lbs at a time) in gallon zip lock bags....24 hours later they go in the oven at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes. let cool ..... cut up into smaller peices..... weight (8 oz) and throw it in a small zip lock , squeeze out as much air as i can then throw it in the freezer.
plus i only buy chicken when it goes on sale for 1.99 per pound.... then i buy 10lbs or so

Sounds good, never really thought of it that way. Good way to get the most out of your money.
Target, Walmart, or Amazon read the reveiws .... should be about $20
Also if you are trying to gain or loss weight you have to be at a calorie surplus or deficit..... without a scale how will you know what you are eating to hit those macros!
I weigh everything except veggies.
Good luck
im eating 2400 cals spending 88.00 to 110.00 a wk depeds if you need everything one week or not.Thats just the food you need to eat.
150 at most 75 at least ... When I go 75 all it is is egg whites chicken and brown rice ... Typically I can only stand a good two weeks of that