Cost of food


New member
I know this should go in the diet section or somewhere else, but way more people look at this section. I have read a bunch of people talk about how expensive it is to eat clean. Where the hell are you guys shopping at?
I just picked up:
20lbs of chicken breast- $38
10lbs of oats- $8
12lbs of vegetables- $12
3lbs of almonds- $11
6lbs of pork chops- $20
3lbs of salmon- $16
4lbs of shredded wheat- $6
10lbs of brown rice- $13
For a grand total of $143 after tax

We already have other stuff at the house, salads, breads, etc. but this is what we just picked up last night for the bulk of our groceries for a few weeks.

This food will last me and my wife over two weeks. At 6 meals a day for each of us. That comes out to 168 meals combined for both of us. So if you figure it costs us $143 to make 168 meals, each meal costs us roughly 85 cents.

Say it costs on average $8 to eat lunch at a fast food joint everyday, you spend almost $60 on one meal a day, or 7 meals a week, and almost spend half as much as me and my wife do for 168, or two weeks worth, of meals for both of us eating 6 meals per day.

For those not following along how I got to 168 meals
6 meals per day for one person for 14 days = 84 meals
Multiply that by 2 since my wife does the same = 168

If you can spend the few hundred to thousand dollars on your gear, Aromatase inhibitor (AI), post cycle therapy (pct), supplements etc. Then don't complain about how much it costs you to eat out everyday when you can save yourself a shit ton of money by eating healthy food, and eating way more than you can by eating out. Another way to save money, is to buy a water purifier and just refill your gallon water jug, or just drink tap water but some places have pretty gross tap water.
38 dollars for 20 lbs of chicken breast hahaha In England you spend 78 dollars for 20 lbs. I just worked it out on the converter. all the prices you've put we pretty much pay triple for. I wish we had them prices over here.
33lbs of raw meat will last 2 people in your household 2 weeks? I'm 5'-9" 200lbs (190lbs for my last show) leading up to it, I was eating 45 egg whites a day and about 4-6lbs of meat a day - off cycle I cut it down some, but I buy the cheap hormone filled, PETA non-friendly, furthest thing from organic chicken that Sam's has to offer for ~$2/lb and I go through 35lbs of that a week, no including eggs and other meat, so I think it's the most expensive aspect of the lifestyle for sure.
Yes Canada is about 2x the price of American food, I spend around $200 every two in a 1/2 weeks State side for me alone. If I couldn't shop in the States I would be spending 300+ minimum to eat what I eat now.
33lbs of raw meat will last 2 people in your household 2 weeks? I'm 5'-9" 200lbs (190lbs for my last show) leading up to it, I was eating 45 egg whites a day and about 4-6lbs of meat a day - off cycle I cut it down some, but I buy the cheap hormone filled, PETA non-friendly, furthest thing from organic chicken that Sam's has to offer for ~$2/lb and I go through 35lbs of that a week, no including eggs and other meat, so I think it's the most expensive aspect of the lifestyle for sure.

Like I said it is the bulk of what we buy, we already have other meats and stuff from the previous grocery shopping and other stuff such as eggs, but obviously not 30 plus pounds at the house or we wouldn't have just gone shopping. We probably have 6 to 10 pounds of meat in the house before we go shopping again. Yes, it last me and my wife, who is all of 115lbs, and myself being 207lbs. Neither of us are eating enough for bulking, but I am slowly putting on weight, I eat about 2 to 300 calories over what I expend per day. I eat right at 4000 to 4200 calories per day. She is in great shape now, just trying to get her 4 pack into a six. Not that you don't eat as much as you say, but 35lbs of just chicken sounds like a lot to me in one week, I know I get sick just thinking about eating tuna because I eat a bunch of it lol I'm sure you are the same with chicken eating that much a week. We don't eat meat for every meal, usually I have some type of meat for 3 meals in the day.

I'm an athlete, not a body builder, but have began recently trying to add a little weight and did my first test e cycle. Added about 11 pounds of muscle and have kept every pound. Keep in mind I run 6+ miles per day on top of my workouts, so I must be eating enough to continue to grow. My goals are not to add anything but good solid gains.

Most expensive, yes over the long run because you always need food. You don't always need gear. But for the people who complain about the costs of how much food is probably aren't looking for ways to save money on their food. Like I said, eating out is way more expensive when you break it down, and the vast majority of people spend way to much money on their food. If you take that few hundred bucks you were going to spend on gear and put it to use on a good diet you would probably see better results.
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Wow that's nuts, I didn't think it would be that much more anywhere else. I shop at costco, last night was $19 per 10lb bag for chicken breasts.
Like I said it is the bulk of what we buy, we already have other meats and stuff from the previous grocery shopping and other stuff such as eggs, but obviously not 30 plus pounds at the house or we wouldn't have just gone shopping. Yes, it last me and my wife, who is all of 115lbs, and myself being 205lbs. Neither of us are eating enough for bulking, but I am slowly putting on weight, I eat about 2 to 300 calories over what I expend per day. I eat right at 4000 to 4200 calories per day. She is in great shape now, just trying to get her 4 pack into a six. Not that you don't eat as much as you say, but 35lbs of just chicken sounds like a lot to me in one week. We don't eat meat for every meal, usually I have some type of meat for 3 meals in the day.

Most expensive, yes over the long run because you always need food. You don't always need gear. But for the people who complain about the costs of how much food is don't need to be doing it in the first place. If you take that few hundred bucks you were going to spend on gear and put it to use on a good diet you would probably see better results.
What's people complaining about food cost got to do with not taking gear. It should be if you can't afford to eat properly whilst on the gear then you shouldn't be taking it, not complaining. I can afford to eat 6 times a day and be on gear with everything else included but I still moan about the price of food even if I can afford it because it's going up in price all the time. The only thing over here that goes down in price is beer and seeing as I dont drink any more it's no use to me.
chicken is like gold here, kinda stupid, people that wanna stay in shape need to pay more, but advertise on commericals and such diet is the way of life, then u see processed food cheap as hell
gets me all the time, which is total bullshit!

I personally dont live my life around food tho, i usually comsume and eat well but only take in 4-5 meals a day but always my needed protein and carbs
think some people go over board on the whole diet aspect as i am not out there to compete and eat 5 pounds of fish/day like cutler, but in return to have a well developed muscular body!
like i mean if i am not hunger, i just dont eat, not like some people that cram a wack of food down then wonder why 8 weeks in there cycle they are sick and tired of eating lol
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Like I said it is the bulk of what we buy, we already have other meats and stuff from the previous grocery shopping and other stuff such as eggs, but obviously not 30 plus pounds at the house or we wouldn't have just gone shopping. Yes, it last me and my wife, who is all of 115lbs, and myself being 205lbs. Neither of us are eating enough for bulking, but I am slowly putting on weight, I eat about 2 to 300 calories over what I expend per day. I eat right at 4000 to 4200 calories per day. She is in great shape now, just trying to get her 4 pack into a six. Not that you don't eat as much as you say, but 35lbs of just chicken sounds like a lot to me in one week. We don't eat meat for every meal, usually I have some type of meat for 3 meals in the day.

Most expensive, yes over the long run because you always need food. You don't always need gear. But for the people who complain about the costs of how much food is don't need to be doing it in the first place. If you take that few hundred bucks you were going to spend on gear and put it to use on a good diet you would probably see better results.

But to really get big and lean, especially if you are competitive, you need both, ask most BBs out there and they will tell you that the most expensive part of the sport is eating, if you do 4 to 5 shows a year and your season is 3-4 month long plus prep time before the first show, you're looking at spending most of the year on some gear or you'd go catabolic.

It's not hard to put away the meat, you figure without protein shakes (because they have carbs and salts) a typical day looks like this:

meal 1: 15egg whites 50gr oatmeal
meal 2: 400-500gr chicken (2 chicken breasts)
meal 3: 400-500 grams steak
meal 4: 15 egg whites
meal 5: 400-500gr chicken (2 chicken breasts)
Meal 6: 400-500 grams steak
Meal 7: 15 egg whites

That alone is 2 kilos of meat a day x7 is 14kgs (~32lbs) and bigger guys pound away more

a weeks worth of gear is much less than the food unless your on an advanced bulking cycle, but even then that's only short term
But to really get big and lean, especially if you are competitive, you need both, ask most BBs out there and they will tell you that the most expensive part of the sport is eating, if you do 4 to 5 shows a year and your season is 3-4 month long plus prep time before the first show, you're looking at spending most of the year on some gear or you'd go catabolic.

It's not hard to put away the meat, you figure without protein shakes (because they have carbs and salts) a typical day looks like this:

meal 1: 15egg whites 50gr oatmeal
meal 2: 400-500gr chicken (2 chicken breasts)
meal 3: 400-500 grams steak
meal 4: 15 egg whites
meal 5: 400-500gr chicken (2 chicken breasts)
Meal 6: 400-500 grams steak
Meal 7: 15 egg whites

That alone is 2 kilos of meat a day x7 is 14kgs (~32lbs) and bigger guys pound away more

a weeks worth of gear is much less than the food unless your on an advanced bulking cycle, but even then that's only short term

i like that diet plan, sounds similiar to mine, not that i stuff my face but equal out in the end!

i also like to mix my meals up as well, like not always chicken and such and too people wonder why rice taste like paper lol, cause they eat to much of it and dont mix shit up
for instance whole wheat pasta, lean groun beef, and a can of mushroom soup, mix it and fuckin awesome meal, carbs and lots of protein :)
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But to really get big and lean, especially if you are competitive, you need both, ask most BBs out there and they will tell you that the most expensive part of the sport is eating, if you do 4 to 5 shows a year and your season is 3-4 month long plus prep time before the first show, you're looking at spending most of the year on some gear or you'd go catabolic.

It's not hard to put away the meat, you figure without protein shakes (because they have carbs and salts) a typical day looks like this:

meal 1: 15egg whites 50gr oatmeal
meal 2: 400-500gr chicken (2 chicken breasts)
meal 3: 400-500 grams steak
meal 4: 15 egg whites
meal 5: 400-500gr chicken (2 chicken breasts)
Meal 6: 400-500 grams steak
Meal 7: 15 egg whites

That alone is 2 kilos of meat a day x7 is 14kgs (~32lbs) and bigger guys pound away more

a weeks worth of gear is much less than the food unless your on an advanced bulking cycle, but even then that's only short term

For you, since you are a competitor then it is different for you than the vast vast majority who post on here. You are the exception, for your goals you need more food than me. I am still growing on what I take in. The majority of people who post on here complain about spending a few hundred bucks on food, but don't blink at spending it on gear. What do they think will happen once they get off of their gear and aren't continuing to eat the way they were on cycle? That was more my point. Most people think it's the gear getting them to their goals and don't take into account their diet is finally somewhat good now while they are on. You compete, you aren't part of that group, you obviously have your shit down to a science and know exactly how much of what and when you need to put into your body to get the goals you want to achieve.

To be in good shape in general takes more time, effort, money etc. than being a fat slob on the couch. Food is always going to be needed no matter what you do, so instead of wasting it on junk food, why not use that money and buy healthy food which in the long run will save you a ton of money. Most in shape people don't have to see the doctor every week, spend untold amounts of money on prescription drugs for however many problems they have for being out of shape. Everyone here knows the positives of being in shape, healthy, and smart about your use of AAS if you are using any. Your diet is the biggest factor in your quality of life. Eat junk, feel like junk, be unmotivated and get fat. Eat healthy, feel better, be motivated, work harder, clean bill of health, you life is way better.
just be creative and mix your meals up from time to time, kinda like a plateau in the gym, gotta mix up your routines just as well as your diet :)
Food ?? What food ??

I buy my Body Fortress Super NOS Pump Tablets, 90ct for $9.97 at Walmart and this stuff WORKS!! I'm pumped all day long.Even slip a tab every 7 hours in.I can't stand creatine.

Joking aside...I usually get chicken legs for 14 legs for $3.50

My bills for food went up $40.00 more a month.

A few days ago I was at jay cutler's website and saw that he was paying $10.00 a pound for Chicken,Steaks and fish.It just doesn't have a whole lot of water weight when compared to other brands.

Thats alot 'ole money.
For you, since you are a competitor then it is different for you than the vast vast majority who post on here. You are the exception, for your goals you need more food than me. I am still growing on what I take in. The majority of people who post on here complain about spending a few hundred bucks on food, but don't blink at spending it on gear. What do they think will happen once they get off of their gear and aren't continuing to eat the way they were on cycle? That was more my point. Most people think it's the gear getting them to their goals and don't take into account their diet is finally somewhat good now while they are on. You compete, you aren't part of that group, you obviously have your shit down to a science and know exactly how much of what and when you need to put into your body to get the goals you want to achieve.

To be in good shape in general takes more time, effort, money etc. than being a fat slob on the couch. Food is always going to be needed no matter what you do, so instead of wasting it on junk food, why not use that money and buy healthy food which in the long run will save you a ton of money. Most in shape people don't have to see the doctor every week, spend untold amounts of money on prescription drugs for however many problems they have for being out of shape. Everyone here knows the positives of being in shape, healthy, and smart about your use of AAS if you are using any. Your diet is the biggest factor in your quality of life. Eat junk, feel like junk, be unmotivated and get fat. Eat healthy, feel better, be motivated, work harder, clean bill of health, you life is way better.

Diet/Gym/aas= endorphins get released :) and feel a great pump
well said bro!
i eat the same, either on aas or natural!
If people stop eating like a trooper when they come off a cycle and wonder why there losing all there gains then there fucking retards and your right they shouldn't be buying nothing to do with AAS
just be creative and mix your meals up from time to time, kinda like a plateau in the gym, gotta mix up your routines just as well as your diet :)
10000% agreed, I change it up, even just changing spices, marinades of the same meat will make a world of difference. You gotta enjoy your food or it will be a diet, if you enjoy it then it changes to a lifestyle and you won't dread your meals or want to eat junk.
Diet/Gym/aas= endorphins get released :) and feel a great pump
well said bro!
i eat the same, either on aas or natural!

You are probably also very successful at reaching your goals in the gym when you do use AAS or not. I ate the same but was more aware of my caloric intake while on, and my first cycle was very successful. My goals were all met and I have kept the gains.
Sam's club...Bulk food store....20lbs chicken cost about 23$....I save over 120$ over Walmart/meijer and it last 2x as long