Creatine and young beginning lifters


New member
Is there any problem with someone say 14-15yrs old who hasn't lifted really anything start supplementing with creatine or should they get their form down and lift for severals months-a yr or so before trying supplements??
I know creatine won't hurt anyone, just didn't know if it was a good idea to start taking it before they've even seen any results w/o supplements.
I think that you should start getting the form and technique down,but when ever you want to take creatine is your choice,but after a while of taking creatine you get used to its positive effects
Actually roidballs, that's not true. There will always be non responders out there, but unless this 15 year old kid reaches his genetic limit soon, he should see pretty decent gains. Creatine will beneefit him greatly though. He does not have to cycle it either, he can stay on for as long as he wants. Also, form and technique have nothing to do with creatine. Creatine will help with strength and mass, while it won't help your form or technique. Either way you have to go to work on that yourself.
jynx said:
Actually roidballs, that's not true. There will always be non responders out there, but unless this 15 year old kid reaches his genetic limit soon, he should see pretty decent gains. Creatine will beneefit him greatly though. He does not have to cycle it either, he can stay on for as long as he wants. Also, form and technique have nothing to do with creatine. Creatine will help with strength and mass, while it won't help your form or technique. Either way you have to go to work on that yourself.
I knew it wouldn't help form/technique. Just wondered if he should take it before he has those down. Seems like the more weight a person lifts the easier it is to sacrifice some on their form, unless they've been lifting for a while and know what they're doing. I'll just keep a close eye on him and make sure his form is alright. I'll tell him to go ahead w/the creatine starting monday. Thanks guys.
I don't see anything wrong with supplementing with Creatine at 14-15 years old. I did it when I was 16-17 and now i'm 25 and it had no ill affects on me whatsoever, only increased strength and a little more mass. I would even recommend a mulitvitamin and a post training shake including protein/dextrose which i'm sure you've already done :)
I did when i was a youngin too... did what its supposed to. theres no real ill effects different than that of an adult (unlike hormonal products) its natural, and taken in with your diet anyway. There is no problem with it.
JT190 said:
I don't see anything wrong with supplementing with Creatine at 14-15 years old. I did it when I was 16-17 and now i'm 25 and it had no ill affects on me whatsoever, only increased strength and a little more mass. I would even recommend a mulitvitamin and a post training shake including protein/dextrose which i'm sure you've already done :)
Yeah...recommended protein shakes the 1st day they talked w/me in the gym. Also told them they should look into a multi, told them some good foods they needed to start eating, etc. I know I can make the one into a real monster cuz he's very teachable...the other is more bullheaded(doesn't believe me when i stress how important diet is and rest, thinks he needs to pump iron all day and thats all there is to it).
joshbeam1 said:
Yeah...recommended protein shakes the 1st day they talked w/me in the gym. Also told them they should look into a multi, told them some good foods they needed to start eating, etc. I know I can make the one into a real monster cuz he's very teachable...the other is more bullheaded(doesn't believe me when i stress how important diet is and rest, thinks he needs to pump iron all day and thats all there is to it).

Yeah, I think back on how I wouldn't even eat anything for 2+ hours after training and the overtrinaing I did. It's a wonder I even grew at all. It took me 3 years to learn how to eat, I wish someone would have told me how important my diet was and not just how to workout. Props to you bro for helpin' out the younger guys :cool:
I think that you should wait to add creatine to your supplementation program. I believe that you will make very good gains in strength initially as a beginner and adding creatine will dramatically increase strength further. Your tendons and ligaments will have a difficult time adapting to this change. I would suggest waiting at least 6 weeks.
I don't think creatine will dramatically enhance strength unless this kid never eats any red meat. Creatine never dramatically increased my strength, it just gave me a little extra, but nothing big.
I just speak from experience because I know the first time I ever used creatine my strength went through the roof.
diezell said:
i dont see it being a problem i did it and im sure alotta people have
Are you saying that you used creatine when you first began lifting? At what age was this?
I used creatine when i was about twelve and i saw unbelievable results i used it till i was about a freshman in highschool and then i started seeing nothing out of it just my 2 cents